This study guide outlines three reading methods--Readers Theatre, choral reading, and performing poetry-- that can be used to promote fluency and comprehension.

Performing Literature to Promote Fluency and Comprehension

Teaching Writing
K - 5
Strategy Guide Series
This strategy guide series identifies, defines, and provides examples of effective writing strategies and offers a list of resources related to each strategy.

What Works in Writing Instruction: Research and Practices
7 - 12
Professional Library

Teaching Reading with YA Literature: Complex Texts, Complex Lives
6 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
This book is designed to help teachers develop their own version of YA pedagogy and a vision for teaching YA lit in the middle and secondary classroom.

Zora Neale Hurston in the Classroom: "With a Harp and a Sword in My Hands"
8 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
The book offers a practical approach to Hurston using a range of student-centered activities for teaching Hurston's nonfiction, short stories, and the print and film versions of Their Eyes Were Watching God.

Sherman Alexie in the Classroom: "This is not a silent movie. Our voices will save our lives."
8 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Provides high school teachers with teaching strategies, classroom activities, and student samples for teaching the works of Sherman Alexie.

Sandra Cisneros in the Classroom: "Do not forget to reach"
8 - 12
Professional Library
The third volume in the NCTE High School Literature Series explores the joys of reading and teaching the stories and poems of noted Mexican American author Sandra Cisneros.

Langston Hughes in the Classroom: "Do Nothin' till You Hear from Me"
8 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Carmaletta M. Williams provides high school teachers with background on Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance as well as help in teaching Hughes's poetry, short stories, novels, and autobiography.

Judith Ortiz Cofer in the Classroom: A Woman in Front of the Sun
8 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Carol Jago offers ways to teach the works of Judith Ortiz Cofer in the high school English classroom.

Amy Tan in the Classroom: "The art of invisible strength"
8 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Offers high school teachers an activity-based approach to teaching the works of Amy Tan, especially The Joy Luck Club and The Opposite of Fate.

Alice Walker in the Classroom: "Living by the Word"
8 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Carol Jago offers readers a handy guide for bringing this celebrated author's work into the classroom, including biographical information, ideas for literature circles using Walker's short stories, sample writing lessons using Walker's poems, suggestions for teaching The Color Purple, and a wealth of resources for further investigation of Alice Walker and her work.

Power of Picture Books, The: Using Content Area Literature in Middle School
5 - 9
Professional Library
| Book
Featuring descriptions and activities for fifty exceptional titles, Mary Jo Fresch and Peggy Harkins offer a wealth of ideas for harnessing the power of picture books to improve reading and writing in the content areas.

360 Degrees of Text: Using Poetry to Teach Close Reading and Powerful Writing
6 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Through Eileen Murphy Buckley's 360-degree approach to teaching critical literacy, students investigate texts through a full spectrum of learning modalities, harnessing the excitement of performance, imitation, creative writing, and argument/debate activities to become more powerful thinkers, readers, and writers.

Beyond Standardized Truth: Improving Teaching and Learning through Inquiry-Based Reading Assessment
6 - 12
Professional Library
| Book
Scott Filkins brings us into his and colleagues' classrooms to demonstrate how high school teachers across the disciplines can engage in inquiry-based reading assessment to support student learning. This book is part of the NCTE Principles in Practice imprint.

Fresh Perspectives on New Literacies and Technology Integration
5 - 8
Professional Library
| Journal
This article provides practical ideas for integrating technologies into the classroom in ways that honor students' out-of-school technology funds of knowledge.

Sharing Stories and Developing Multiple Perspectives in Post-9/11 Classrooms
9 - 12
Professional Library
| Journal
Sensitive to the increased importance of valuing diversity and diverse points of view since 9/11, this article describes activities through which ESL students contribute new knowledge to their classes while simultaneously improving their English language skills.

I-Search in the Age of Information
9 - 12
Professional Library
| Journal
Middle school teacher Huntington Lyman takes a fresh look at the I-Search research method and shows how it can be modified to provide an effective project for middle school students.

Ethics as a Form of Critical and Rhetorical Inquiry in the Writing Classroom
9 - 12
Professional Library
| Journal
What can improve students' engagement in persuasive writing? A strong ethical dilemma and strategies for developing intelligent responses.

The Middle School High Five: Strategies Can Triumph
5 - 8
Professional Library
| Journal
A literacy support teacher leads a district-wide initiative to organize content-area teachers in an effort to help their students become better readers by offering instruction and practice in five reading strategies across the curriculum.

Language Arts
K - 8
Professional Library
| Journal