The prototype for the World Wide Web was created in 1990.

Event Description
Tim Berners-Lee shared his original prototype for an Internet browser that would allow people to share information by using a special mark-up language to post text, link to other documents, and display graphic images.
Classroom Activity
Birthdays are a great time for looking at pictures from years past. Look at past images of the World Wide Web by taking your students to the WayBack Machine. The WayBack Machine indexes billions of webpages, showing how they have changed over the years. Have your students brainstorm a few websites to explore, and then look at how they have changed by viewing older versions. Students will enjoy comparing webpages and thinking about how they have changed over the years.
In today's world, it is important to teach children about Internet safety. This site provides engaging resources for parents, educators, and kids.
This site traces the development of the Internet from a tool for science and government to a tool for businesses. Make sure to also check out Triumph of the Nerds, a companion website for the PBS television special Triumph of the Nerds: The Rise of Accidental Empires.
Visit the webpage of the inventor of the World Wide Web. You can read about his background, his original plans for the Web, and his latest projects.
This resource summarizes a study on the influence of the Internet on literacy instruction.