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Helpful Information About Keeping it Short: Texting Terms

So you think you know everything about text messaging? Here are some basic definitions and examples that might help you with the world of abbreviations. RU using any of these 2 write 2 yr frnds?

An abbreviation is a shortened form of a word or phrase

  • tnx for thanks
  • pls for please
  • abt for about
Teen girls with cell phones
There are also abbreviations that are used to reduce the number of characters used. Some, like these examples, mimic the sound of the word.
  • B4 for before
  • CU for see you
  • Gr8 for great
An acronym is a pronounceable word that comes from the initial letters of a phrase.
Example: KIT for keep in touch
An initialism is an abbreviation formed from initials, without reference to pronunciation.
  • LOL for laughing out loud
  • JK for just kidding
An anacronym is an abbreviation or acronym that now is different than its original meaning.
Example: SADD was Students Against Driving Drunk but is now Students Against Destructive Decisions
A backronym is a word that has had a series of words added to it after it was created.
Example: Adidas means All Day Long I Dream About Sports
A mnemonic device is an abbreviation used to help remember a series or list.
Example: HOMES stands for the names of the five Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior)
A symbol is an object, picture, written word, sound, or mark that represents something else.
Example: Peace symbol for peace
If you're still stumped (or just looking for a few more abbreviations) visit the Unabridged Instant Text Message Dictionary, which has a list of the top 25 text abbreviations as well as 3,970 other abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms used in text and instant messaging.

Need Help Using the Crossword Puzzles Tool?

The Crossword Puzzles tool uses Flash Player 8 and above. You can download the latest version for free here.
  • To enter a word, click on a box anywhere in the word.
  • You can check your answers using the Check Puzzle button. Letters that are correct will be green; letters that are wrong will be red.
  • Make the puzzle bigger and smaller by clicking on the + and – buttons on the screen.
  • You can grab the puzzle and move it around on the screen. The Center button moves the puzzle back to the middle.
  • You can turn the sound off and on using the sound icon.
  • You cannot save your work in the puzzle. Make sure you click the Print button and print your puzzle before you exit.

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