Rationale By: Kelly E. Tumy
Image 3 of Rosa Parks Papers: Recipe for featherlite pancakes
Grade 11
| Source Type Photographs and Prints
Suffragettes Procession after Release from Prison
Rationale By: Kelly E. Tumy
Manzanar Relocation Center from Tower, Photograph by Ansel Adams
Rationale By: Kelly E. Tumy
The Grabill Collection
Rationale By: Kelly E. Tumy
Grade 5
| Source Type Photographs and Prints
Awaiting Examination, Ellis Island
Rationale By: Kelly E. Tumy
Grade 5
| Source Type Photographs and Prints
Beekeeping Instruction for Injured Soldiers
Rationale By: Kelly E. Tumy
Diem-Nhu Regime / Herblock
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli
Image 3 of 1946 The Negro Motorist Green-Book
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli
Image 6 of The Negro Motorist Green-Book (1946)
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli
A woman's place is in the resistance / Hayley Gilmore
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli
Protesters Learning Sign Language, 6/10/20
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli
AIDS quilt on display in Washington, D.C., with the U.S. Capitol in the background
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli
Gay and Proud
Rationale By: Holly Spinelli