Students celebrate the Wright brothers' flight in 1903 by having a classroom celebration that includes a multimedia timeline and comparisons of the Wright Flyer to the planes we have today.

The Wright brothers made their phenomenal flight!

The Boston Tea Party took place in 1773.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students create a political cartoon for the Boston Tea Party and use the interactive Comic Creator to publish them.

Dr. Christian Barnard performed the first human heart transplant.
K - 6
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students talk about the causes of heart disease and the role that diet and exercise play. Then, students find healthy dessert recipes and vote on one dessert to make in class.

Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students make believe that the year is 1955 and they just heard about Parks' arrest. Students write newspaper editorials with their points of view on segregation.

Author Eve Bunting was born in Ireland in 1928.
3 - 10
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students listen to a news article about the LA race riots and then read Smoky Night to discuss how a younger observer might be affected by these events and their perceptions.

Author Joel Chandler Harris was born in 1848.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students study how regional dialect is written phonetically by reading a segment of Harris' story, as well as two others, and compare them using the Interactive Venn Diagram.

Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese in 1941.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students use the Interactive Venn Diagram to compare the bombing of Pearl Harbor to the attacks on America on September 11, 2001.

The United States celebrates Thanksgiving Day today.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
On this day, instead of teaching about a single day of Thanksgiving, use this as an opportunity to the concept of giving thanks.

Louisa May Alcott was born in 1832.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students brainstorm important events and people that might serve as the beginning of an interesting piece of writing. They then use the Bio-Cube to plan their writing and write an essay about a memorable person.

Poet William Blake was born in 1757.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
As a class, students brainstorm abstract concepts and personify that concept through a drawing or story told about the character who personifies that concept.

Today is World Hello Day!
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students study a letter written by a famous author to determine purpose, and words and phrases that make the letter meaningful. They can use the Letter Generator to write their own letter promoting peace.

Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in 1863.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students practice the Pre-AP strategy called SOAPSTone, identifying important parts of the Gettysburg Address and comparing it with John F. Kennedy's inaugural speech.

On this day in 1918, the United States passed the U.S. Standard Time Act.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
A video conference with a class from a different country or time zone is planned. Students brainstorm questions to ask and figure out how many time zones they would have to travel through to have the conference.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition reached the Pacific Ocean in 1805.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students look at Kenneth Holder's paintings of the Lewis and Clark trail and transform their notes into a descriptive paragraph as if they were a member of the expedition.

Veterans Day is celebrated in the United States today.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students write biographical poems about a soldier.

Kristallnacht occurred in 1938.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
To help understand the thinking of German leaders during the Holocaust, students write about a time when they failed to come to the assistance of someone who needed help.

In 1847, Bram Stoker, the author of Dracula was born.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students brainstorm the superstitions they know and small groups research one of the superstitions to determine its origin and meaning or purpose. Students can write about the superstition using the Mystery Cube interactive.

Susan B. Anthony voted on this date in 1872, leading to her arrest.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After assigning special privileges to an arbitrarily designated group, students write about how they felt during the simulation and consider what they might be willing to do to change an unjust law.

Celebrate Halloween!
3 - 8
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students research information on Halloween, create masks or costumes from a text they are reading, or write a narrative essay describing their best Halloween ever.

Dr. Jonas Salk, who developed the polio vaccine, was born in 1914.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After learning about Dr. Salk, students interview a family member or someone they know who remembers the polio epidemic.