After discussing newspapers and their different points of view, students choose a current event, read editorials on the event, and share them with the class to identify the editor's point of view.

The New York Times used the slogan "All the News That's Fit to Print."

Jackie Robinson was born on this day in 1919.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students read messages sent to the White House from Jackie Robinson and discuss his role as an athlete and a civil rights activist, as well as the role of athletes in society.

The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded in 1986.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students interview a parent or another adult about the Challenger and hypothesize about differences. Students can also write about the Columbia disaster in 2003.

Today is the birthday of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland.
3 - 6
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
After reading one of Carroll's chapters, students plan an unbirthday party and do activities and preparation for the event.

Gold was discovered in California in 1848.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students read letters from the Gold Rush and follow up by writing an imaginary letter to a family member about their experience using the Letter Generator.

Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman in the US to earn a MD degree in 1849.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
"Famous Firsts" are researched by students, followed by small group research and multimedia presentations to report research results.

On this day in 1910, animal rights activist Joy Adamson was born.
K - 6
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
A KWL chart is used to organize information about lions. Persuasive letters are written lobbying for programs and resources to protect these animals.

Poe's "The Raven" was published in 1845.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
As Poe's "The Raven" is read aloud, students note their reactions and discuss the changes or development of their first impressions as the poem continues.

In 1929, Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on this day.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students study Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech and work in groups to create a mural that depicts Dr. King's vision of peace.

Judy Blume was born in 1938.
3 - 6
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students work with a partner or individually to create cartoons of their favorite scenes from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.

Amelia Earhart completed her solo flight from Honolulu to Oakland in 1935.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students explore the definition of a hero and use the interactive Venn diagram to identify the most common characteristics of a hero.

Jane Yolen was born in 1939.
1 - 5
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students read one of Jane Yolen's books, retell the story in the form of a puppet show, research animals in the book, and document their findings with the Animal Study interactive tool.

On this day in 1935, Elvis Presley was born.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students visit the National Archives to read a letter written by Elvis Presley to President Nixon. The Letter Generator is used to write a letter to a current artist suggesting a meeting with the President.

Annie Moore becomes the first immigrant to enter Ellis Island in 1892.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students explore online resources about Ellis Island, interview an immigrant in the area, and publish their stories.

Poor Richard's Almanack was first published in 1733.
3 - 8
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students explore some of the proverbs taken from Poor Richard's Almanack, give their impressions or someone who would write these statements, and choose one saying to paraphrase.

It's Winter in the Northern Hemisphere!
K - 6
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students brainstorm words or images that they associate with winter, select and read a picture book about winter, and compare the two using the interactive Venn Diagram.

James Naismith, inventor of the game of basketball, was born in 1861.
5 - 8
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students look at Naismith's original 13 rules for basketball and write about the rules and how they have changed in small groups.

Poet Emily Dickinson was born in 1830.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students discuss Dickinson's poem "This Is My Letter To The World" and use it to focus on how audience affects voice.

Walt Disney was born in 1901.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students describe female characters in Disney films, discuss their characteristics, and write a thesis statement about them.

A Christmas Carol was the first book transmitted over radio!
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students write a script for A Christmas Carol on a level that primary students can read and perform. Older students record the performance and create a website to showcase photographs.