After showing students Picasso's Guernica, they are provided with background information, share their impressions, and write about Picasso's purpose in creating the painting.

The Spanish town of Guernica was bombed on this date in 1937.

Jazz and blues singer Billie Holiday was born in 1915.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students listen to Holiday's song "Strange Fruit" and identify powerful and descriptive images for a mini-lesson on tone and about the lynchings in the South during this time.

Author Lois Duncan was born on this date in 1934.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Mysteries are shared with students for them to solve and brainstorm the attributes of a good mystery. Small groups then compose short mysteries using the Mystery Cube.

April is National Poetry Month!
K - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students are assigned to be "poets of the day" and are provided several models to create, illustrate, and present their different poems to the class.

In 1928, Maya Angelou was born.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
After hearing Maya Angelou's poem, "On the Pulse of Morning," students infer information about the speaker and her feelings about America and reflect on how one's life and experiences can influence one's writing.

Hans Christian Andersen was born on this date in 1805.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students write a brief summary of one of Andersen's stories, and then read the original story and compare the two versions of the tale with the Venn Diagram tool.

The RMS Titanic sank on this day in 1912.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students use the Internet Workshop model to explore web links about the Titanic disaster.

Noah Webster published his American Dictionary of the English Language in 1828.
2 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After dividing students into small groups, students play a variation of the game Balderdash to celebrate the publication of Webster's dictionary.

In 1939, Marian Anderson was denied permission to sing at Constitution Hall.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students view Eleanor Roosevelt's resignation letter to the DAR in response to Andersen being denied permission to sing. Students write a letter to a newspaper editor about social injustice.

Celebrate Earth Day!
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
In celebration of Earth Day, students research famous environmentalists and write letters to them asking for their opinions on current issues and turn their letters into a poem.

Black Beauty author Anna Sewell was born in 1820.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Through Sewell's novel, students explore the cruelty to animals and extend the discussion to current events, eventually presenting the information.

The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students brainstorm the possible meaning of the title The Scarlet Letter and what its significance might be. The class' responses are returned to once the reading has begun to see how their definitions have changed.

Poet Robert Frost was born in 1874.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students celebrate Frost's birthday by exploring his innovation in the sonnet form by studying poems and presenting them to the class.

Today is Native American writer Leslie Marmon Silko's birthday.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students revive elements of the oral tradition by writing about something funny that happened to them recently, sharing with classmates, and discussing the changes that occur during the retelling of the stories.

Author Gabriel García Márquez was born on this day.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students take place in a collaborative creative writing activity to begin to understand the hallmarks of the literary style known as magical realism.

Beware the Ides of March!
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students discuss and categorize superstitions, define a superstition, and compare the similarities and difference between proverbs and superstitions.

On this date in 1901, Andrew Carnegie gave $5.2 million to New York City libraries.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students write expository and persuasive pieces with the help of the Persuasion Map and Essay Map interactives, and compare the essential features of the two modes of writing.

Coretta Scott King was born on this day in 1927.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students do a book report assignment based on a current or past winner of the Coretta Scott King Book Award.

Avi was born in 1937.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
After reading Nothing But the Truth, students explore a current event topic and write their own short work of fiction in a similar multigenre format.

David Macaulay was born in 1946.
9 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students use the Multigenre Mapper interactive to explore Macaulay's use of multiple genres by composing original multigenre texts.