After reading one of Eric Carle's books, students create a torn paper collage or a word collage.

Children's book author Eric Carle was born on this day in 1929.

The first typewriter patent was awarded in 1868.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students take part in an inquiry-based study that compares typewriters to computers.

Celebrate Juneteenth!
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students use the Venn Diagram to compare Juneteenth celebrations to Fourth of July celebrations and hypothesize about the differences.

June 14 is Flag Day in the U.S.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
Students consider how America, Americans, and the flag are represented in different patriotic songs and hypothesize about the reasons for their differences.

Anne Frank received her famous diary in 1942.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students learn about eyewitness reports through a lesson that is grade-level appropriate. Then, groups use primary source documents and research an event using eyewitness accounts.

The Crystal Palace hosted the first display of life-size dinosaur replicas in 1854.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After learning about Hawkins' dinosaur replicas, students work individually or in small groups to investigate a dinosaur of their choice, comparing their findings to Hawkins'.

Sally Ride, first American woman in space, was born in 1951.
3 - 8
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After exploring information about Sally Ride on the StarKids Who's Who site, students write a letter using the Letter Generator to Dr. Ride's foundation, Sally Ride Science.

Charles Lindbergh began his transatlantic flight in 1927.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students consider what is meant by the phrase "Human Hero," think of people who fit into the category, and read a biography of a selected hero.

Malcolm X was born in Nebraska in 1925.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students write about the origin of their name and explore the names that Malcolm X used during this life.

National Public Radio began broadcasting in 1971.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students make predictions about the content of some of NPR's programs, then listen to the programs and report on the contents and discuss with the class.

Commercial ice cream is first sold in the U.S. in 1786.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After finding advertisements from the past, students evaluate them and discuss how ads have changed over the years. Students then create an advertisement for a new flavor of ice cream.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was born in 1803.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students visit a quotation attributed to Emerson and identify the definition of success. Students then use the Postcard Creator to write a note to a person that they feel is successful.

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood premiered in 1968.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
After thinking about TV shows, books, and movies from their childhood, students write about what they remember and revisit how they feel about it at an older age.

The first Academy Awards ceremony was held in 1929.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students make lists of their favorite and least favorite movies and brainstorm qualities that make a film good or bad. Next, students write a movie review for a film they have seen.

Star Wars creator George Lucas was born in 1944.
7 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students use the Hero's Journey interactive to describe how Luke Skywalker meets each stage of his journey, and then brainstorm other works that use the formula.

Celebrate blues legend Robert Johnson's birthday.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students learn about blues music and brainstorm subjects that might give them "the blues." Finally, they write their own blues lyrics and have the option to perform.

Teacher Appreciation Week honors our teachers.
3 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Holiday & School Celebration
In celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week, students read a book about a teacher and follow up with an activity related to the book using the Venn Diagram, Letter Generator, Story Map, or Essay Map.

Today is Leo Lionni's birthday.
K - 3
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
As a child growing up in Holland, Leo Lionni taught himself how to draw and later became an author and illustrator of children's books. Leo Lionni is the winner of four Caldecott awards.

The Brooklyn Bridge opened on this day in 1883.
5 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Historical Figure & Event
Students explore the literary concept of point of view by examining a pair of picture books that highlight the controversies surrounding the Brooklyn Bridge.

Poet Yusef Komunyakaa was born in 1947.
8 - 12
Calendar Activity
| Author & Text
Students examine imagery in the work of Pulitzer Prize winner Yusef Komunyakaa.