What can improve students' engagement in persuasive writing? A strong ethical dilemma and strategies for developing intelligent responses.
Ethics as a Form of Critical and Rhetorical Inquiry in the Writing Classroom
The Middle School High Five: Strategies Can Triumph
5 - 8
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A literacy support teacher leads a district-wide initiative to organize content-area teachers in an effort to help their students become better readers by offering instruction and practice in five reading strategies across the curriculum.
Language Arts
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Writing with Voice
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Tom Romano leads students to allow themselves creative freedom while developing the patience to hone that first rush into a tight and effective piece of writing with voice.
Pamphlets: An Introduction to Research Techniques
8 - 12
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Describes a four- to six-week project for high school sophomores in which students create pamphlets and in the process learn basic research skills and practice several elements of the research paper.
Research Matters: What Kinds of Classroom Discussion Promote Reading Comprehension?
8 - 12
Professional Library
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"Research Matters" provides teachers with review and application of research that illuminates the daily concerns and activities of English language arts teachers and classrooms.
Position Statement on Multimodal Literacies
K - 12
Professional Library
| Position Statement
This position on Multimodal Literacies is a summary statement developed by the Multimodal Literacies Issue Management Team of the NCTE Executive Committee.
Let's Go to the Movies: Rethinking the Role of Film in the Elementary Classroom
K - 8
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Argues that elementary language-arts teachers should expand their definition of "text" to include film, a valuable instructional material. Notes that today's elementary students come to class with a great deal of knowledge about films--prior experiences which teachers can tap into. Discusses the application to film of reader-response theories.
Building Community through Poetry: A Role for Imagination in the Classroom
8 - 12
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Methods such as the circle poem, the "poetic interview," the found poem, and the poetic field trip are just some used by the author to create an atmosphere of mutual support and enable students to initiate "imaginative possibilities."
Using Short Story Collections to Enrich the English Classroom
8 - 12
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Describes ways short story collections can be integrated into the English curriculum, including a short story fair, a short story hunt, using single short stories to extend a unit, using a short story by itself, using a collection as a whole, and using short stories as part of a focus on writing. Offers a list of short story resources.
Menu Magic!
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This article helps eighth graders review the power of adjectives. Students eat up this project that promises to deliver the opportunity to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate while giving students the chance to work in cooperative groups. All in all, it's an appetizing way to get kids focused on descriptive writing.
Expanding Vision: Teaching Haiku
8 - 12
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Despite common misconceptions about haiku, there is a lively and vibrant haiku community throughout the United States and many other countries. Read this article for further discussion on the use of haiku in your own classroom.
Different Texts, Different Emergent Writing Forms
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Examines young children's ability to vary the forms of emergent writing as they wrote a story, a shopping list, and a letter to a friend at three different times during the school year. Finds that children apply their emergent knowledge about written language differently. Indicates a considerable mismatch between written products and knowledge of genre characteristics.
Nonfiction Inquiry: Using Real Reading and Writing to Explore the World
K - 8
Professional Library
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Nonfiction is the genre most likely to spur children's passion and wonder for learning. This article discusses way to motivate children to read nonfiction.
Language and Literacy: The Poetry Connection
K - 8
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Offers a conceptual framework for building language awareness through the reading of poetry, encouraging children to reflect on language in interesting and powerful ways. Provides an instructional model for constructing literature-based experiences in the classroom.
Using Children's Literature to Spark Learning
8 - 12
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Presents two brief articles--the first discusses purposes for using children's picture books in a secondary classroom, activities for children's literature, and integrating children's books into the classroom curriculum; and the second discusses using folktales in the classroom to engage reluctant readers and writers, suggests ideas/topics for folktale writing projects, lists writing prompts, and recommends folktales.
Undoing the Great Grammatical Scam
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Grammar should be taught in the context of students' own writing: "we learn what we actually have the opportunity to practice and do in the real world."
To Grammar or Not to Grammar: That Is Not the Question!
5 - 9
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Argues that, taught in the context of writing, grammar can enhance and improve students' writing. Offers classroom examples showing how: good preparation for writing fosters good grammar and detail; students can use grammatical and syntactic constructions used by professional authors as models for their own writing; and how to help students learn revision strategies at the sentence and paragraph level.
How Comic Books Can Change the Way Our Students See Literature: One Teacher's Perspective
8 - 12
Professional Library
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In this article, Versaci details the many merits of using comics and graphic novels in the classroom, suggests how they can be integrated into historical and social issues units, and recommends several titles.
The (Un)Making of a Reader
K - 8
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Through looking critically at the underpinnings of "story mapping, a teacher uncovers a contradiction between the author's definition of reading as a constructive process and the reductionist nature of story mapping, which she shows inhibits students' potential to explore a diverse range of personal responses by promoting comprehension over response, uniformity over diversity, and control over freedom.