Students take a walk on the wild side when they research an animal and create a scavenger hunt activity for their classmates.
Nature Study Outdoor Treasure Hunts (with Spanish language option)
Describe That Face: An Interactive Writing Game
6 - 8
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students write descriptions of characters, incorporate new vocabulary words, practice using simile and metaphor, engage in peer editing, and post their revised descriptions on the walls for a matching game.
Solving the Math Curse: Reading and Writing Math Word Problems
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students' reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills add up as they decipher word problems and use what they've learned to solve a crossword puzzle.
Exploring Cost and Savings Using Children's Literature
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
Students make sense of dollars and cents when they study the importance of saving and budgeting in this lesson.
Plotting a Plan to Improve Writing: Using Plot Scaffolds
6 - 8
Lesson Plan
| Unit
Students really get into character in this lesson as they act out the parts of a script and analyze character motivations and dialogue.
Descriptive Video: Using Media Technology to Enhance Writing
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students will have a roaring good time when they watch a scene from The Lion King as a way to compare standard and described programming media.
Spelling in Parts: Learning to Spell, Write, and Read Polysyllabic Words
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
| Recurring Lesson
How do you spell polysyllabic? While this word may be a bit too advanced for students, they will definitely be spelling polysyllabic words using a strategy called Spelling in Parts.
Exploring Consumerism Where Ads and Art Intersect
9 - 12
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students add up the effect of images and persuasive language to analyze the art and words in advertisements.
What Are My Rights? Exploring and Writing About the Constitution
9 - 12
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students speak up in this lesson about rights, examining the Constitution in the context of issues that affect their everyday lives.
In the Style of Ernie Pyle: Reporting on World War II
9 - 12
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students will think this lesson should make the headlines when they finish researching Ernie Pyle's work in preparation for writing their own news articles.
The Solution Square: Strategies for Conflict Resolution
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students will square up a conflict and learn how to effectively resolve any issues using a Solution Square.
Write-Talks: Students Discovering Real Writers, Real Audiences, Real Purposes
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
| Recurring Lesson
There's a world of writers out there, and in this lesson students discover them as they listen to presentations from local writers and learn about what, why, and how they write in their day-to-day lives.
Pictures Tell the Story: Improving Comprehension With Persepolis
9 - 12
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students get the big picture of the Middle East when they read and analyze Marjane Satrapi's graphic novel Persepolis.
Tell and Show: Writing With Words and Video
6 - 8
Lesson Plan
| Unit
Writers and film buffs alike will sharpen their skills in this multimedia unit as they work together to author and design a digital video.
Giving Voice to Students Through "This I Believe" Podcasts
9 - 12
Lesson Plan
| Unit
Students write and record their own essays for a class blog by first completing a series of activities designed to get them thinking and writing about their experiences.
A Musical Prompt: Postcards From the Concert
3 - 5
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students won't miss a beat in this musical lesson that combines listening with personal response on a postcard.
I've Got It Covered! Creating Magazine Covers to Summarize Texts
6 - 8
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Start the presses! Catchy titles, eye-popping graphics, and attractive fonts are all on students' agendas in this lesson as they create magazine covers to summarize a topic.
Solving Word Meanings: Engaging Strategies for Vocabulary Development
6 - 8
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Vocabulary gumshoes use context clues and semantics to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words.
Collaborating, Writing, Linking: Using Wikis to Tell Stories Online
6 - 8
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
Students become online authors in this lesson in which they write and post a short story using wiki technology.
And the Question Is... Writing Good Survey Questions
9 - 12
Lesson Plan
| Standard Lesson
There's no question that students will be able to compose good survey questions by the end of this lesson.