In the suburbs

Strategy By
Jessica Jones

Arcamone, Carlo, Tracy Ward, Bert Spielvogel, On Film, Inc., Redbook Magazine, and Copyright Collection. In the suburbs. [United States: Redbook Magazine, 1957] Video. .

Source Type:
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

Because it provides a realistic portrayal of post–World War II suburban living, emphasizing social standards, family relationships, and the economic optimism of the time, the 1957 video In the Suburbs is useful for a school curriculum. It offers an example through which to examine issues such as gender roles, consumerism, and the American Dream. It may be used by educators to compare suburban and urban trends, start conversations about historical background, and examine how media influenced ideas of ideal lives. Students' critical thinking and involvement are improved by its legitimacy as a main source. Additionally, the video In the Suburbs can be used as an additional source for any economics cross-curricular work with homeownership. Students respond to questions on the definition of home and the connection between homeownership and the American Dream throughout this lesson. After watching the films The Rise of Suburban Areas During the 1950s and In the Suburbs, students analyze how they depict the connection between the American Dream and the house.


Redbook Magazine produced the 1957 advertising video In the Suburbs to depict post–World War II American suburban living. The American Dream, family relationships, gender roles, and buying habits amid the economic boom are among the topics it emphasizes. The material is useful for illustrating how the media influenced cultural norms and maintained historical stereotypes. Its realistic portrayal of suburbia’s ambitions provides students with a prism through which to evaluate social mores of the mid-twentieth century and their relevance to current concerns.

Context for the Primary Source

By talking about the post–World War II economic boom, suburbanization, and consumer culture, teachers can aid students in understanding In the Suburbs (1957). Additionally, they can examine the American Dream, gender roles, race roles and relationships, relationships between families, Eisenhower's administration, and the construction of infrastructure. Interactive exercises and analysis of comparison can be applied.

Focus Question(s)
  • What are the different types of homes this video suggests that someone could/should have?
  • What would an urban or working-class family think of this depiction of suburban life?
  • What effects did gender roles have at the time on how families were portrayed in the video?
  • Which preconceptions or stereotypes does this video reinforce?
Standards Connections

Louisiana State Standards

RI.11-12.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze how an author uses and refines the meaning of a key term or terms over the course of a text (e.g., how Madison defines faction in Federalist No. 10).

  • The various terms and phrases included in this video can provide viewers with a historical sense of suburban life expectations in the mid-twentieth century.

RL.11-12.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. Include Shakespeare as well as other authors.

  • The various terms and phrases included in this video can provide viewers with a historical sense of suburban life expectations in the twentieth century, and this can further provide viewers with opportunities to discuss connotation, denotation, and intent versus impact.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Contextual Analysis: To set the scene historically, start with a quick talk or debate on the suburbanization, economic expansion, and media dominance of the 1950s.
  • Critical Viewing: Ask students to watch the movie and point out both implicit and explicit themes on buying habits, family responsibilities, and social expectations.
  • Group Discussions: Assign participants to roles (such as suburban parents, city people, or advertisements) and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the suburban lifestyle that the movie depicts.
  • Comparative Studies: Examine how the film depicts suburban living today or in relation to other works of media from the same era.
  • Questions Based on Inquiry: To promote more in-depth research, pose queries such as "Whose stories are absent?" or "What economic factors shaped this portrayal?"
Potential for Challenge
  • In the Suburbs may face criticism for its representation of gender roles and materialism, which some claim encourages traditional, restricted ideas of family life. The film idealizes suburban living, depicting it as the ultimate American ambition, potentially excluding or marginalizing other lives such as those of single-parent families, working-class persons, and nonwhite groups. Furthermore, the emphasis on domestic duties and luxury might be criticized for encouraging materialistic ideals. Teachers should keep these characteristics in mind while analyzing the film, and use it as a starting point for talks about inclusion and the diversity of American perspectives at the time.

Links to resources for approaching those topics

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. An alternative is The House I Live In (1945), which offers a more comprehensive societal viewpoint by encouraging variety and harmony in contrast to the homogeneous ideals of suburban living.
  2. The LOC has additional resources to use as comparisons for different types of suburbs from different parts of the country.
    1. 1935, Ohio, “Houses on Laconia Street in a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio.”
    2. 1940, Oklahoma, “Little girl getting the mail from box, suburb of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.”
Additional References
  1. This link (“The Rise of Suburbs”) from SUNY for an American History course has commentary and additional primary sources.
  2. The 1957 Levittown promotional movie Levittown: The Way of Life offers an alternative perspective on suburban culture by emphasizing community development and suburban housing structures.
Film/Motion Picture , Journalism/News , Language and Literature , Photography and Visual Images , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
History , News, Journalism, and Advertising , Oral Histories , Photographs, Prints, and Posters , Poetry and Literature
Year/Date of Creation or Publication