Avenge. Ohio Kent, 1970. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2015649400/.
Avenge. Ohio Kent, 1970. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2015649400/.
This primary source is invaluable for the classroom due to its emotional intensity and historical significance. It provides a connection to the Kent State shooting, making it an effective tool for teaching about the impact of the Vietnam War on American society, the role of student protests, and the complex dynamics between activism and state violence. It also provides unique opportunities for inquiry-based learning. It serves as a visual entry point into discussions about the 1960s and early 1970s, providing context for broader social movements, the media’s role in shaping public perception, and the consequences of political action. By analyzing this image, students can explore themes such as the power of visual media, the ways in which photographs shape historical memory, and the emotional weight of human suffering in times of political unrest. Additionally, the photography fosters critical thinking and empathy. It challenges students to engage with the human element of history, prompting questions about the ethical considerations of protest, the impact of war on civilian life, and the ways in which violent events shape national narratives.
This iconic photo, taken on May 4, 1970, captures the aftermath of the Kent State shootings, a tragic event during an anti-Vietnam War protest at Kent State University in Ohio. In the foreground, a fourteen-year-old runaway from Florida, Mary Ann Vecchio, kneels in anguish over the lifeless body of Jeffrey Miller, who she had met twenty-five minutes earlier. The composition of the photo draws attention to the emotional intensity of the scene, with other students standing in the background, appearing stunned and confused. It was taken by a Kent State Student, John Filo, who was a senior who was taking pictures for his senior thesis and encountered the protest.
On May 4, 1970, a week for final exams at Kent State University, the Ohio National Guard shot and killed four unarmed college students and wounded nine others during an anti-Vietnam War protest. Considered a seminal moment in modern US history, May 4th came to symbolize the political and social divisions of the Vietnam War era. This Pulitzer Prize-winning photograph depicts a runaway, Mary Ann Vecchio, screaming over the dead body of Jeffrey Miller, who had been shot in the mouth. The impact of the shootings was widely publicized and triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close.
- How does the addition of the word AVENGE across the photograph change the original purpose of the photo?
- How does the style of the word AVENGE (all white lettering, drips coming from the words) shift the viewer's perspective?
- Why is the word AVENGE important to the historical significance of the shooting at Kent State?
- How do the expressions and body language of the people in the photo contribute to its emotional impact?
- What does the composition of the photo (e.g., foreground, background, and individuals) suggest about the photographer’s intention?
- What role did this image play in shaping public opinion about the Vietnam War and protests in general?
- Why is this photo considered a significant primary source?
- What can’t we learn from this photo alone, and what other sources would you consult to gain a fuller understanding of the event?
Common Core Literacy Standards (ELA), Common Core Literacy Standards in History
RI.6-12.1: Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
RH.9-10.6: Compare the point of view of two or more authors for how they treat the same or similar topics, including which details they include and emphasize in their respective accounts.
RI.6-12.7: Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse formats, including visually and quantitatively.
RH.6-12.9: Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
- Have students compare this photo to a photo from any noteworthy public event. What word would they write across one of those photos, and why did they choose that word? Referencing the Kent State AVENGE word as their point of comparison, students could combine evidence from multiple photos and incidents to show both similarities and differences in the two events.
- What other word would students write across this photo? Despair? Aghast? What font would they choose with modern technology and how do font choices reveal the artist's intent?
- Consider introducing the Vietnam War, the anti-war movement, and the events leading up to the Kent State shootings before presenting the photo. Read primary and secondary sources about the protests, the National Guard’s actions, and public relations. Showing video clips or other images from the time to help set the stage.
- Explore the role of photojournalism in shaping public opinion. Ask students how this image impacted perceptions of the Vietnam War and government actions. Discuss photography as a tool for activism and compare this image to other iconic protest photos, such as those from the Civil Rights Movement.
- Encourage students to examine the event from the viewpoints of different stakeholders. Assign roles (e.g., a student protestor, a National Guardsman, a parent of a student, or a government official) and hold a mock town hall discussion or debate. Use other primary sources such as letters, speeches, or news reports from the time to represent various perspectives.
- Emotional impact: The image depicts a tragic and violent moment, which can evoke strong emotional responses from students, including discomfort, sadness, or anger.
- Graphic nature of the event: The photo shows a person lying lifeless on the ground, which might be upsetting for some students, especially younger ones or those unfamiliar with the context.
- Complexity of historical context: The photo is tied to multiple layers of historical context, including the Vietnam War, anti-war protests, the student movement, and government responses. Students may struggle to grasp these interconnected topics.
- Addressing bias and diverse perspectives: Students may bring preconceived notions or personal biases about protests, authority, or government actions, which could influence their engagement with the photo.
- This photo could be challenged due to the addition of the word AVENGE and its retaliatory nature directly stated. While it is a direct statement, it was a type of protest, and students can compare to different protests they see now in the news.
- Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator, Ward And Schneider, U.S. National Guard, Kent State School Of Journalism, Don Drumm, Kemili Cezar Do Carmo, Stephanie Darnell, et al. Kent State University, Taylor Hall, Midway Drive, Kent, Portage County, OH. Kent Ohio Portage County, 1933. translated by Mcpartland, Marymitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/oh2012/.
- Mapping May 4. “Mapping May 4 | Kent State University,” n.d. https://mappingmay4.kent.edu/about
- Kent State University. “The May 4 Shootings at Kent State University: The Search for Historical Accuracy,” n.d. https://www.kent.edu/may-4-historical-accuracy.
- Treisman, Rachel. “She Survived the 1970 Kent State Shooting. Here’s Her Message to Student Activists.” NPR, May 4, 2024. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/04/1249023924/kent-state-shooting-activists-protests-survivor.
- The Washington Post Magazine. “The Girl in the Kent State Photo,” April 19, 2021. Accessed December 23, 2024. https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2021/04/19/girl-kent-state-photo-lifelong-burden-being-national-symbol/.