Kent State Story

Strategy By
Sheena Zadai

O'Halloran, Thomas J, photographer. Kent State Story, 1971. Photograph.

Source Type:
Photographs and Prints
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

This photo, taken after the tragic events of May 4, 1970, captures the serene and picturesque campus of Kent State University, with the iconic Taylor Hall–home to the School of Communication Studies–prominently featured in the background. The stark contrast between the peaceful campus setting and the violent events that transpired there serves as a poignant introduction to the Kent State shooting. For those studying this dark chapter in American history, particularly young adults engaging with the novel Kent State by Deborah Wiles, this image can provide a visual connection to the events, which resulted in the deaths of four students during a protest against the US invasion of Cambodia. This photo not only serves as a gateway into understanding the shooting itself, but also acts as a broader introduction to the era of student protests during the Vietnam War. It illustrates the contrast between the calm of everyday campus life and the charged political climate at the time. This juxtaposition can help students grasp the significance of the Kent State incident within the context of broader social and political movements, making it a valuable resource for discussions on civil disobedience, political protest, and the consequences of governmental actions during times of national crisis.


The Kent State University shooting provides students with opportunities to engage with critical themes in history, politics, and society. It can be used to introduce the concept of civil unrest and protest, both in language arts and social studies classes, fostering empathy and critical thinking skills. The event itself encourages civic engagement, showing students the importance of their potential to influence national conversations by using their voice. It could also be used in a journalism course to highlight the role of media in tragedies and to demonstrate how photojournalism can be used to tell stories.

Context for the Primary Source

On May 4, 1970, the week of final exams at Kent State University, the Ohio National Guard shot and killed four unarmed college students and wounded nine others during an anti-Vietnam War protest. Considered a seminal moment in modern US history, May 4th came to symbolize the political and social divisions of the Vietnam War era.

Focus Question(s)
  • Where might this photograph have been taken, and what type of location is shown?
  • How does the presence of the cars and other objects help to contextualize the time period?
  • What do the tree and the bandage-like wrapping around it suggest? Is there a symbolic or practical significance?
  • How does the lack of visible people (aside from one individual) influence your interpretation of the space?
Standards Connections

 Common Core Literacy Standards (ELA), Common Core Literacy Standards in History                 

RI.9-10.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

  • Students can cite explicit details from the photo (e.g., the quiet campus, vehicles, or setting) and use textual evidence to support inferences about the historical climate, the significance of the event, and its aftermath. This exercise develops skills in combining visual and textual evidence to form a comprehensive analysis.

RH.6-12.1: Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.

  • Students can cite textual evidence to support explicit observations (e.g., the calm campus scene) and draw inferences (e.g., the impact of the events on the campus community). This synthesis of visual and textual evidence fosters a deeper understanding of the historical context.

RI.9-10.7: Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a person's life story in both print and multimedia), determining which details are emphasized in each account.

  • Students can analyze how the photo emphasizes certain details, such as the campus setting and mood, and contrast these with written descriptions (e.g., news articles or eyewitness accounts) and video footage of the event. This helps students evaluate how different mediums highlight or omit details to shape understanding of the historical moment.

RH.6-12.7: Integrate and evaluate visual information (e.g., photos, videos, charts) with other sources.

  • Students can interpret the photo in the context of the Kent State protests and other materials like firsthand accounts or news reports.     


Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Pair this photo with other related images, such as those taken during the protests or the immediate aftermath of the shootings. Use this contrast to discuss the different ways photography can document history.
  • Present this photo as a visual for reading Kent State by Deborah Wiles, a historical fiction young adult novel told in free verse. This can help students imagine the setting, despite the photo being a year after the shootings.
  • Questions for Further Discussion:
    • Who were the key groups or individuals involved in the shooting, and what roles did they play?
    • What motivations might the protesters, students, and National Guard have had during the vents?
    • Looking at the peaceful and beautiful campus, how might the location of the event shape its significance?
    • What emotions or messages are conveyed through iconic photographs or other artifacts from the event?
    • What responsibility do authorities have to balance public safety with citizens’ right to protest?
    • What role does the media play in shaping the narrative of events like Kent State, both then and now?
Potential for Challenge
  • Lack of contextual knowledge: Many students might not be familiar with the historical events associated with Kent State in 1970–1971, such as the May 4, 1970 shootings and the broader context of the Vietnam War protests.
  • Ambiguity of the image: The image itself is not immediately dramatic or explanatory–it depicts a calm moment in contrast to the chaotic and violent events associated with Kent State. Students may struggle to see its relevance or understand its significance.
Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Historic American Buildings Survey, Creator, Ward And Schneider, U.S. National Guard, Kent State School Of Journalism, Don Drumm, Kemili Cezar Do Carmo, Stephanie Darnell, et al. Kent State University, Taylor Hall, Midway Drive, Kent, Portage County, OH. Kent Ohio Portage County, 1933. translated by Mcpartland, Marymitter Documentation Compiled After. Photograph.
Additional References
  1. Mapping May 4. “Mapping May 4 | Kent State University,” n.d.
  2. Kent State University. “The May 4 Shootings at Kent State University: The Search for Historical Accuracy,” n.d.
  3. Treisman, Rachel. “She Survived the 1970 Kent State Shooting. Here’s Her Message to Student Activists.” NPR, May 4, 2024.
  4. Deborah Wiles. “Kent State by Deborah Wiles - Deborah Wiles,” August 25, 2022.
American Popular Culture , American History
History , Photographs, Prints Posters
Year/Date of Creation or Publication