A map of the British Empire in North America

Strategy By
Kelly E. Tumy

Dunn, Samuel and Robert Sayer. A Map of the British Empire in North America. 1794. Map. https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3300.ar012800/?r=-0.517,0.48,2.033,1.145,0 

Source Type:
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 2
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

There are new ways teachers can teach standard concepts like alphabetizing and spelling. Combining both of those skills with a social studies lesson allows teachers more lesson flexibility and exposes students to more pieces of history through a primary source. Also, using a primary source at this age-level allows the foundation to be set for understanding the differences in primary and secondary sources earlier in school.  


This is a map of the British Empire in North America. 

Context for the Primary Source

This was a map made in 1794. America had already declared independence from Britain in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence sent to King George III of England. At this time, there were only 15 states in the United States, and the US had already won independence in 1783 when the Treaty of Paris was signed.  

Focus Question(s)
  • How many states are on this map? 
  • Do you notice the names of any of the states?  
  • Who do you think used a map like this?  
  • Where is the rest of the United States? Why is there only part of the United States on this map?  
  • What does 1794 mean? What year is it now?
Standards Connections

Texas ELAR TEKS and Texas Social Studies TEKS  

ELA Standards 

Social studies standards  

2.2D - alphabetize a series of words and use a dictionary or glossary to find words.  

  • Either teacher-led or student written, students can work to alphabetize the regions named on the map.  

2.3A - use print or digital resources to determine meaning and pronunciation of unknown words. 

  • Students can use phonetic knowledge to help them pronounce some of the original colonies listed on this map.  

2.3A - identify and use information on maps and globes using basic map elements such as title, cardinal directions, and legend. 

  • In true cross-curricular fashion, students can alphabetize the proper nouns here and then decide which direction each state/territory is from the other.  

2.3B - create maps to show places and routes within the home, school, and community. 

  • Students can create a map of their home or school. 

2.16A - describe the order of events by using designations of time periods such as historical and present times. 

  • Students could compare this map with a current map of the East Coast and make a list of similarities and differences.  
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Students can use this primary source to alphabetize the names of the states listed. The states also include a variety of long and short vowels, and this is an opportunity to practice pronunciation alongside alphabet work. This could be a companion lesson alongside the social studies portion of the lesson.  
  • The social studies companion lesson could include opportunities to practice cardinal directions. While this map does not have a compass rose, this could be used to introduce the compass rose and start teaching about cardinal directions.  
  • Many of the state names are multisyllabic words, and students can begin using a dictionary to practice pronunciation of these words and to practice how to use a dictionary.  
  • Students could draw a map of their classroom, their school, their neighborhood, or the playground. Using Google Maps, they could find their house and could then draw their own map and include a compass rose. They could alphabetize the streets near their house or near the school. 
  • A read-aloud companion to both of these lessons could be Sarvinder Naberhaus (author) and Kadir Nelson’s (illustrator) Blue Sky, White Stars which is a sparsely-worded picture book with iconic American images.  
Potential for Challenge
  • The potential for challenge seems low here. This is a map drawn in 1794 and depicts early colonization of America. It is a different way to use alphabet work with students, and some parents may question that method. But using different manipulatives/graphics with students broadens their understanding of how letters and words work, and this exposes them to the first elements of history: past and present.  

Links to resources for approaching those topics

  • Edutopia.org has an interesting article about culturally-responsive and different ways to teach the alphabet. 


Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. This is an outline map (c. 1914) of the traditional outline look of the United States. While not all boundaries here are the current state boundaries, students could use this to label states bordering theirs, proactive their cardinal directions, and could then alphabetize those bordering states. 
  2. This map shows more of the southern United States and has more southern states listed if teachers are looking for a more regionally applicable map.   
Additional References
  1. Map Maker Interactive is a portion of the educator site run by National Geographic. From National Geographic, “The materials featured here are built on the National Geography Standards and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.”  
  2. National Geographic also has outline maps of every state in the US, as well as regional maps. Their search tool allows endless map possibilities. This is a map that shows the regions of the United States.  
  3. Texas State University has a handout for the ABCs of Everyday Places and Landscapes that is a great tool to help students see different aspects of their community, but also of communities they study.  
Geography and Maps , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Geography and Maps , History
Year/Date of Creation or Publication