Robinson, Henry R. The Political Barbecue. 1834. New York: Published by H.R. Robinson. Photograph.
The National Bank scandal can seem too complicated or remote to students in secondary social studies classrooms. This image provides a clear, if nuanced, portrayal of the tension between federal and state power. By studying this image, students could make sense of the controversy surrounding President Jackson's decision.
Andrew Jackson is roasted over the fires of "Public Opinion" by the figure of Justice in a cartoon relating to the controversy surrounding Jackson's removal of federal deposits from the Bank of the United States. Jackson, with the body of a pig, is prone on a gridiron over a stone barbecue oven. The fire is stoked by former Secretary of the Treasury William Duane, at lower right. (from The Library of Congress summary of the image).
In 1833, President Andrew Jackson made the controversial decision to remove federal deposits from the Bank of the United States. Jackson believed the bank was corrupt and had too much influence over the economy. He argued that it favored the wealthy and hurt ordinary people, especially farmers and workers. To stop the bank from controlling government funds, Jackson ordered that federal money be withdrawn and placed in smaller, state-chartered banks. This decision led to a conflict with Nicholas Biddle, the bank's president, and caused a heated debate over the role of the national bank in the US economy.
- What details are you noticing in the picture?
- Who do you think was the intended audience for this image?
- Why do you think the image was created?
- What do you think the creator of the image wants you to think about his
- subject?
Iowa Academic Standards
RH.6-8.3: . Identify key steps in a text’s description of a process related to history/social studies (e.g., how a bill becomes law, how interest rates are raised or lowered).
- This cartoon will help students learn the processes and consequences of legislative and presidential actions.
RH.6-8.7: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital text to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.
- Working to interpret all the levels of meaning in this cartoon will help students learn all the components that make a successful political cartoon. Students can look for these elements in modern cartoons as a point of comparison.
- Teachers could lead the study of this source using the Library of Congress Primary Source Analysis Guide for Political Cartoons. This will help students with understanding the concept of federalism. The cartoon is rich with people to research and gain perspective on their involvement with the National Bank scandal during Andrew Jackson's presidency.
- Students can compare this scandal to the disagreements from the 1700s on the establishment of a National Bank. They can examine Thomas Jefferson’s response, as well as Alexander Hamilton’s response.
The literal image of the brutal roasting of an American president may be troublesome to those who believe this image may be too violent for middle-grade students. Andrew Jackson is also often at the tail end of presidential rankings over the years, most notably for the Indian Removal Act and his treatment of minorities.
- This Print featuring the Second National Bank of the United States provides a realistic portrayal of the bank itself. This factual source may be preferred to the more absurdist portrayal of the political cartoon.
- This engraving features three of the founders of the United States. They are lauded as leaders of the country, and Alexander Hamilton is among them. Using this as the background for the National Bank may be a more reserved way to enter the conversation.
- Andrew Jackson's Hermitage provides background on this topic here.
- The Federal Reserve provides an excellent background of how the bank was formed and why Jackson was opposed to it.