Nast, Thomas, Artist. ca. 1889. Santa Claus on stage pulling back curtain containing illustrations of various fairy tales / Th. Nast. Photograph.
The work of Thomas Nast is rich in historical significance as his art shaped much of the American iconography still seen today, such as Uncle Sam, the Republican Party elephant, and the Democratic Party donkey. Although he was not the inventor of these iconic ideas, his depictions of them fed into ideals—good or bad—that are fundamentally American. This drawing of Santa Claus pulling back the curtain on many fairy tales is rich with symbolism and can foster conversations on the stories that make up the collective historical memory of America.
In this drawing by Thomas Nast, Santa Claus is drawing back an illustrated curtain to reveal something behind. The curtain is illustrated with depictions of various fairy tales, implying that there is more to the story than what meets the eye. Published in a book titled Christmas Drawings for the Human Race, (1890), this illustration is the cover page for the book and the first of over 140 illustrations of depictions of Christmas. Thomas Nast was a cartoonist who published prolifically. His topics ranged from cultural to political, and his cartoons were influential in deciding presidential elections including those of Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, and Cleveland.
This drawing of Santa Claus on stage, ca. 1889, was published in Thomas Nast’s Christmas Drawings for the Human Race (1890). Thomas Nast was a famous cartoon artist (1840–1902) and is credited with the popularization of the American popular depictions of Santa Claus, Uncle Sam, the Republican Party elephant, the Democratic Party donkey, John Confucius, Columbia, and the Tammany Hall tiger.
- What stories do you recognize in the drawing? What stories are unclear to you?
- Why might Nast have chosen these specific stories to illustrate the curtain?
- Why is Santa Claus the chosen character to pull back the curtain?
- How is this depiction of Santa Claus both similar to and different from the Santa Claus that we see today in illustrations and shopping malls?
- How have historical cartoons and drawings like this one shaped the images in culture and politics that we see today?
Michigan K–12 Standards for Social Studies and Michigan Merit Curriculum: Visual Arts
P1.2: Interpret primary and secondary source documents for point of view, context, bias, and frame of reference or perspective.
ART.VA.IV.HS .3: Analyze the correlation between art, history, and culture throughout time.
- In a social studies or English language arts classroom, students can be introduced to Thomas Nast’s work through this primary source, looking both at the techniques and the perspectives and messaging in Nast’s Santa Claus depiction(s). Students can then be led through analysis and discussion of other iconic representations by Nast and encouraged to consider how his iconography has shaped American ideas and ideals that are still present today.
- Using the Library of Congress Cartoon Analysis Tool, students can brainstorm observations, reflections, and connections and conduct further research on political cartoons and their impact on American culture and politics.
- Many families celebrate beliefs not in line with Christmas and may feel that discussing depictions of Santa Claus is endorsing Christmas and/or religion in the classroom.
- Students from other cultures and backgrounds may not have the historical cultural literacy of nineteenth-century America and may feel excluded from discussion and analysis.
- The Santa Claus depicted and the fairy tale images are assumed to be white. Much of Thomas Nast’s work repeats stereotypes—positive and negative—of race and culture and can be both controversial and uncomfortable if not handled appropriately with context and a critical lens.
- Teacher resources and curated collections of political cartoons: Political Cartoons and Public Debates | Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress
- Thomas Nast’s Christmas Drawings for the Human Race, The publication where “Santa Claus on Stage” was published here.
- The Library of Congress Cartoon Analysis Tool: Cartoon Analysis Worksheet
- A comprehensive website that unpacks much of Nast’s work and ideology: Why Thomas Nast? | Illustrating Chinese Exclusion
- A website built by a Thomas Nast biographer: Thomas Nast
- com’s history of Santa Claus: Santa Claus: Real Origins & Legend