My Country Tis of Thee

Strategy By
Kristen Luettchau

Woodward, Brittany. My Country Tis of Thee. Tennessee Knox County Knoxville, 2001. Photograph.

Source Type:
Photographs and Prints
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

Educators could use this piece of child artwork to discuss literature about 9/11, history, or even art. People often turn to art to help them make sense of the world, and this piece of child artwork combines the symbol of the American flag with the lyrics to “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and a personal message from the child. 


This is a child’s drawing after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. The drawing was submitted by Sequoyah Elementary School in Knoxville, Tennessee, and was created by Brittany Woodward. It depicts a hand-drawn American flag with the words “My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, for thee I sing: I’m sorry that this bad thing happened to you!!!!” The child utilized some of the words from the patriotic song “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” and then added their own message to the drawing.

Context for the Primary Source

On September 11, 2001, the terrorist attacks against the United States resulted in two attacks on the World Trade Center (Twin Towers) in New York City, an attack on the Pentagon in Washington DC, and a crashed plane in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, as the people on board diverted another attack but lost their lives in the process. 

Focus Question(s)
  • How do world events influence art? How can we use art to help us make sense of world events?
  • Why was 9/11 such a pivotal moment in United States history?
  • How do the stories involving 9/11 relate to this child’s artwork?
  • What other symbols might you include in artwork related to 9/11?
  • Why do people come together after traumatic events?
Standards Connections

Library of Congress Standards

Social Studies LOC Standard: Describing how people’s perspectives shaped the historical sources they created

  • This source shows how the student’s perspective was influenced by the events of 9/11 and also shows how the art they created contributed to the history of 9/11.

LOC Standard: Gathering evidence from literary and informational texts to support a claim

  • The piece of artwork serves as an informational text about 9/11. Students can analyze this piece of informational text in order to understand claims about patriotism and 9/11.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Students can choose a world event (current event or history) and can create their own piece of artwork for the event.
  • Students can read a story about 9/11, such as Nine, Ten by Norah Raleigh Baskin (middle grades novel recommended for ages 8–12) and can make connections to the student artwork.
  • Students can discuss the ideas of symbolism and patriotism and can understand how the child’s artwork is a combination of the two.
Potential for Challenge
  • 9/11 was an act of terrorism, and parents/guardians may have an issue with their children learning about terrorism at a young age.

Links to resources for approaching those topics

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Dream state, 10:05 a.m., 9/11/01: Art created to show the World Trade Center burning from a distance, following the September 11th terrorist attack, New York City.
  2. In memory 9/11/01 / Niemann: Memorial poster showing the Manhattan skyline and a vertical American flag. 
Additional References
  1. “Teaching about 9/11” from the National Education Association: The lessons and resources provided on their website will help provide context for examining events before, during, and after the attacks.
  2. Remembering 9/11 from the National Archives: The National Archives contains teaching materials, articles, images, videos, and more.
Folklore , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Arts and Culture , Government, Law, and Politics , Photographs, Prints, and Posters
Year/Date of Creation or Publication