We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns

Strategy By
Molly Love

Library Of Congress, and Sponsoring Body American Folklife Center. We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns: The Kids Who Fought for Civil Rights in Mississippi. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 05-05-2009. Video. https://www.loc.gov/item/2021688234/.

Source Type:
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

We Had Sneakers and They Had Guns by Tracy Sugarman is a powerful primary source that offers a first-hand perspective of the events surrounding the 1968 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and its impact on a group of young people in the 1960s. This source is valuable in the classroom for several reasons. The video provides a personal, emotional account from the point of view of young people who lived through the Civil Rights Struggle. It humanizes historical events, making them more relatable and impactful for students, especially when discussing systemic racism, violence, and the fight for justice. The video allows students to engage with the historical narrative through the eyes of youth, making it a powerful tool to foster empathy and understanding. It encourages students to reflect on how young people in the past reacted to societal changes, making connections to their own lives and struggles.

  • We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns by Tracy Sugarman is a powerful, first-hand account of the events surrounding the 1985 death of Michael Stewart, a young African American graffiti artist who died in police custody after being apprehended by New York City Transit Police. This book serves as a primary resource for understanding the broader cultural, social, and political context of youth activism, racial tension, and police brutality in 1980s New York City.
  • Through interviews, personal accounts, and a close examination of the events, Souter documents the growing tensions between the city's poor, primarily Black and Latino communities, and the police. The book delves into the social dynamics of 1980s New York, when many communities of color were grappling with systemic inequalities, police brutality, and limited access to resources. The protests that followed Stewart’s death highlighted the voices of marginalized youth, who, through graffiti, street art, and direct action, sought to make a statement against what they viewed as an oppressive system.
Context for the Primary Source
  • The video centers around a pivotal event—the 1985 death of Michael Stewart, a young African American graffiti artist, who died after being apprehended by the New York City Transit Police. The case became a flashpoint for debates over police brutality, racial discrimination, and the rights of marginalized urban youth.
  • In the 1980s, graffiti art, particularly in New York City, had evolved from simple tagging to a form of resistance and cultural expression for marginalized youth, many of whom were Black and Latino. For many, graffiti became a symbol of protest and an alternative means of gaining visibility and agency in a city that often ignored them.
Focus Question(s)
  • How does the video, We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns help us understand the racial and social tensions in 1980s New York City?
  • How did the youth involved in the protests against Michael Stewart's death use their voices and actions to challenge the status quo? How effective do you think their methods were?
  • How do you think grassroots movements, like the ones described in the book, differ from more traditional forms of protest?
  • How does graffiti culture in the 1980s connect with modern youth culture and protest movements today?
Standards Connections

Ohio Learning Standards

9-10.RI.1 & 11-12.RI.1: Cite strong and thorough evidence from the text to support analysis of what the text says explicitly, as well as inferences drawn from the text.

  • Example: Students can cite specific quotes or sections from We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns to analyze the activism around Michael Stewart’s death. They can draw inferences from the video to understand the motivations and perspectives of the youth involved in the protests, and connect these events to the broader issues of racial injustice and police brutality.

9-10.W.2 & 11-12.W.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately.

  • Example: After watching the video, students could write essays or research papers that explain the historical significance of Michael Stewart’s death and its aftermath. They could integrate information from We Had Sneakers, They Had Guns with other resources to explain the social, political, and cultural impact of the events.

9-10.SL.1 & 11-12.SL.1Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9–12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

  • Example: After watching the video, students can engage in group discussions or debates on themes such as police brutality, social justice, or the role of youth in activism. They can use evidence from the video and other sources to support their opinions and engage respectfully with differing viewpoints.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • This would pair well with Eyes on the Prize, a powerful documentary series on the history of the Civil Rights Movement, offering historical context and visual insight into key events like the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the subsequent riots (Produced by Blackside 1987).
  • The teacher could compare both this primary resource and the documentary to give the students historical context. From there, students could have a discussion using the focus questions provided.
  • In the classroom, the teacher could use personal narratives to highlight larger movements in history. Students could read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. This would give students a contrasting personal perspective within the same period. This would offer students a broader view of African American thoughts and activism during the Civil Rights Movement. Students could also pair both of these texts with the poem by Langston Hughes called “I, Too.” This poem embodies the personal voice and struggle of African Americans during the time, allowing students to explore the individual experiences within the broader societal movement.
  • The teacher could lead a lesson on nonviolence versus violent protesting. This resource would pair well with the Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King Jr., as well as the documentary called The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution. Students could look at protests throughout history and begin to understand the meaning of when these specific protests have been used throughout history.
Potential for Challenge

While We Had Sneakers and They Had Guns by Doreen Rappaport is a valuable and impactful resource, there are several potential challenges for both families and educators when using it in the classroom or at home. These challenges can range from emotional and psychological responses to the complexity of historical contexts. Being aware of these potential difficulties can help educators and families navigate the text in a thoughtful and constructive way. The text deals with highly emotional and traumatic events, particularly the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the riots that followed, and the deep racial inequalities experienced by the characters. These themes may be difficult for younger readers or students who are not yet ready to confront the harsh realities of racial violence, systemic injustice, and loss. We Had Sneakers and They Had Guns is a well-researched and thoughtful account, it is still a personal narrative, and the emotional responses of the characters are subjective. This can lead to potential conflicts between the historical events presented and students' understanding of them.

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech from 1963 Dr. King's famous speech from the March on Washington is one of the most iconic moments in the Civil Rights Movement. It addresses racial equality, justice, and the dream for a more just society. This speech offers a powerful counterpoint to the emotional response of youth in We Had Sneakers and They Had Guns, highlighting Dr. King's philosophy of nonviolent resistance and hope.
  2. The Emmett Till Letter (1955)
    • After the brutal murder of 14-year-old Emmett Till in Mississippi, his mother, Mamie Till, made the decision to have an open-casket funeral. She also wrote an open letter to the world, demanding justice and bringing national attention to the violence and racism of the time. Emmett Till’s murder was a turning point in the Civil Rights Movement, inspiring many young people to take action against racial injustice. This source gives a personal, raw perspective of the pain and resilience felt by African American families.
    • https://www.loc.gov/collections/civil-rights-history-project/articles-and-essays/murder-of-emmett-till/
Additional References
  1. "Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America" by Ibram X. Kendi provides a comprehensive history of racist ideas in America, detailing how they have shaped and continue to shape American society. Kendi explores the intellectual roots of racism and offers a historical context for understanding the racial issues that the Civil Rights Movement sought to address.
  2. "13th" (2016), Directed by Ava DuVernay
    • This documentary examines the intersection of race, justice, and mass incarceration in the United States. It explores how the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery, contains a loophole that allowed for the continued exploitation of Black people through criminalization.
  3. Teaching Tolerance (Southern Poverty Law Center’s How to Teach About Race and Racism
  4. National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s Talking to Children About Racial Trauma
Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Nonfiction/Informational Text , Informational Text
Year/Date of Creation or Publication