Woman Suffrage Parade

Strategy By
Molly Love

Enclosure: Woman Suffrage Parade in New York. 1910. New York Times, New York City, New York, 5-29- 0:00. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/rbcmiller003972/.

Source Type:
Newspaper photographPhotograph
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

This source provides an opportunity to explore the women's suffrage movement in the U.S. and the broader context of social movements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Students can analyze the significance of the parade as a form of protest, emphasizing the role of public demonstrations in advocating for social and political change. As a visual primary source (likely a photograph or film), it offers students the chance to practice historical visual literacy. Teachers can guide students through an analysis of the images, prompting questions about the people involved, the symbols displayed, the crowd, and the significance of public spaces as sites of activism. This encourages critical thinking about how history is visually represented and interpreted.


The 1910 suffrage parade or demonstration was part of a broader movement to raise awareness and mobilize support for women's suffrage, particularly in New York, which was a key city for activism. By 1910, the suffrage movement was gaining momentum, especially among educated, middle-class women in urban areas like New York City. The image shows suffragists parading down the streets of New York, participating in an organized march to advocate for women's voting rights. Participants may have been women holding banners, wearing sashes or costumes symbolic of their cause, and demonstrating solidarity for women's right to vote.

Context for the Primary Source
  • Women began assembling and fighting for the right to vote as early as July of 1848 in Seneca Falls, NY.
  • Women were not allowed to vote until the passage of the nineteenth amendment in August of 1920.
  • During this time period, husbands were even able to put their wives in a mental institution without their wives’ permission. It was a way husbands kept control of their wives and dictated the behavior they wanted.
Focus Question(s)
  • What does this image tell us about the role of women in the suffrage movement in the early 20th century?
  • How do the choices of clothing and visual symbols in this parade reflect the goals and values of the suffrage movement?
  • What role did media coverage, like that from The New York Times, play in advancing the goals of the suffrage movement?
  • What does the presence of the suffrage parade in New York City in 1910 suggest about the political climate and attitudes toward women’s rights at the time?
Standards Connections

Ohio ELA Learning Standards

Historical Thinking and Skills Content Statement 1: Use primary and secondary sources to answer questions about the past.

  • Connection: The 1910 Woman Suffrage Parade image is a primary source that can be used for students to explore questions about historical events, such as, “What was the significance of this parade for the women’s suffrage movement?” and “How did the suffragists use this event to promote change?”

Civic Participation Content Statement 1: Recognize the importance of civic participation in a democratic society.

  • Connection: The suffrage parade represents a form of civic participation in the democratic process. Students can discuss how women used public protest to demand equal rights and how this form of activism is part of a healthy democracy.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • This image would pair well with demonstration artifacts and stories from other key elements of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. This could pair well with students reading about “The Women’s March on Washington” from a modern news article. Students could compare the 1910 Women's Suffrage Parade in New York with the modern-day march or protest. They could compare the strategies, slogans, and messages of the historical suffrage movement with modern-day protests for women’s rights.
  • This image could also be paired with footage from the Seneca Falls Convention, where the first woman's rights convention in the United States occurred. This would mark the beginning of the formalized women’s suffrage movement. Students could learn the historical roots of the movement, and it could help contextualize the 1910 Woman Suffrage Parade.
Potential for Challenge

Many primary sources, especially from the early 20th century, use language or concepts that may be difficult for young students to fully understand. The historical context of the suffrage movement, including gender roles, social norms, and the political climate of the time, may also be challenging for elementary students to grasp. Some students may find the content of certain primary sources emotionally charged. For example, documents that reflect discrimination against women or opposition to women's rights might elicit strong emotional reactions, particularly if students are not yet familiar with historical issues of gender inequality. Young students may not have enough background knowledge to understand the broader social, political, or economic context of the suffrage movement. For example, they may not fully grasp the significance of votes for women in the context of women’s legal rights or the role of activism in shaping public policy.

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. This is a photograph of another woman working for women’s rights. This could be an alternative to the parade if anyone has objections about that kind of display. 
  2. This is a portrait of two women who fought for women’s right to vote. It could be used as an alternative source to give an exact face of people who fought for this right. 
Additional References
  1. "The Women's Suffrage Movement" by Sally Roesch Wagneroffers a comprehensive overview of the women's suffrage movement, focusing on the major figures, events, and ideologies behind the fight for women’s right to vote.
  2. Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, provides lesson plans, student resources, and articles on women’s suffrage and activism. https://www.learningforjustice.org/
  3. PBS LearningMedia provides a collection of videos, lesson plans, and primary source materials that can help educators teach about women’s suffrage and activism. The resources are designed to be interactive and student-friendly, making them perfect for elementary learners. https://thinktv.pbslearningmedia.org/collection/teaching-womens-suffrage/
  4. The National Women’s History Museum offers a wide range of primary source materials, including documents, posters, and biographies of key figures in the suffrage movement. https://www.womenshistory.org/education-resources/topics/womans-suffrage
  5. Susan B. Anthony’s letters provide insight into her personal life, the strategies she used in the suffrage movement, and her interactions with other suffragists and politicians. Students can read her correspondence to understand the challenges she faced and the determination that drove her. https://nationalwomenshistoryalliance.org/
  6. “Ohio Women’s Suffrage Project” is a collection that includes historical documents about how women in Ohio worked to gain voting rights, including early petitions, letters, and speeches. Ohio played a significant role in the national suffrage movement, and learning about it can make the subject more personal and local for Ohio students.
Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
History , Informational Text
Year/Date of Creation or Publication