Desegregation Landmark: Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas

Strategy By
Molly Love

Highsmith, Carol M. Desegregation Landmark: Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas. Photograph. [Between 1980 and 2006]. Library of Congress,

Source Type:
Photographs and Prints
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

This photograph serves as a powerful visual entry point into discussions about the Civil Rights Movement and the ongoing struggles for racial equality in America. As an educator, using this image allows students to connect visually with the history of school desegregation, helping them grasp the significance of the Little Rock Nine and the emotional and social struggles they faced. It also provides a real-world connection to the Brown v. Board of Education ruling, illustrating both the resistance to desegregation and the eventual victory in the form of federal intervention.

The photograph invites students to ask questions and engage in critical thinking about race, power, and resistance. Students can analyze the symbolism of the building itself—Central High School—and its transformation from a site of racial hostility to a symbol of perseverance and triumph in the face of adversity. Educators can facilitate classroom discussions about what it meant for the nine students to walk through those doors under the protection of federal troops, drawing connections to modern civil rights struggles.

  • The photograph of Little Rock Central High School, taken by Carol M. Highsmith between 1980 and 2006, captures the exterior of the historic school in Little Rock, Arkansas, a landmark of desegregation. This high school became a symbol of the intense struggle for racial equality in the United States following the landmark 1954 Supreme Court decision, Brown v. Board of Education, which mandated the desegregation of public schools. The photograph itself highlights the enduring legacy of Little Rock Central High School, famously associated with the Little Rock Nine—the group of nine African American students who, in 1957, became the first to integrate the school despite violent opposition.
  • In September 1957, the students faced hostility and violence from white segregationists as they attempted to enter the school. Their courage and the subsequent federal intervention by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who sent the 101st Airborne Division to escort them, made this event a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement. The photograph provides a visual representation of the school as it stands today, more than fifty years after this historical confrontation, now designated a National Historic Site to honor the bravery of the Little Rock Nine and the critical role the event played in advancing civil rights in the United States.
  • This photograph by Carol M. Highsmith encapsulates the story of perseverance, resilience, and the ongoing struggle for racial equality, offering a powerful visual resource for educators to discuss the history of school desegregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the legacy of the Little Rock Nine in the context of the broader fight for social justice and equity in America.
Context for the Primary Source
  • The photograph of Little Rock Central High School by Carol M. Highsmith captures a desegregation landmark in Little Rock, Arkansas, and it holds significant historical weight, symbolizing both the early struggles for civil rights and the eventual victory of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Little Rock Nine and the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School in 1957 represent one of the most dramatic and contentious moments in the history of school desegregation following the Supreme Court's 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which declared state-sponsored segregation of public schools unconstitutional. The Little Rock Nine were a group of nine African American students chosen to integrate Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, as part of the broader effort to end racial segregation in public education across the South.
  • Despite the Supreme Court's ruling, many Southern states, including Arkansas, resisted desegregation, often with violent and public defiance. In Little Rock, Governor Orval Faubus used the state National Guard to block the students from entering the school on the first day, citing concerns for their safety. This move sparked a national crisis and led to federal intervention by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Focus Question(s)
  • What does the photograph of Little Rock Central High School represent in the context of American history?
  • How did the events at Little Rock Central High School in 1957 challenge the principles of the Brown v. Board of Education decision?
  • Why did the Little Rock Nine choose to integrate Central High School despite the potential dangers they faced?
  • How did the federal government’s intervention in the Little Rock desegregation crisis shape the civil rights struggle in the 1950s and 1960s?
Standards Connections

Ohio Learning Standards for Social Studies 

Grade 8 - US History, 8.1: Identify and explain the significance of key historical events and documents.

  • The events surrounding the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School can be connected to the Brown v. Board of Education decision, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other key moments in the post-World War II Civil Rights Movement.

Grade 8 - US History, 8.4: Explain how the United States responded to challenges to civil rights in the 20th century.

  • The Little Rock crisis is a key example of how federal intervention and legal challenges played a role in the struggle for civil rights and desegregation during the 1950s.

High School - US History, HS.1: Analyze the causes and effects of historical events and developments.

  • Students can analyze the causes of resistance to desegregation and the effects of the Little Rock Nine’s bravery on the Civil Rights Movement, public opinion, and federal policy.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • In examining the Little Rock desegregation crisis, students can start by exploring the historical context of the event, focusing on the Brown v. Board of Education ruling and the tensions surrounding school desegregation in the 1950s. A valuable approach is to pair the photograph with President Eisenhower’s speech on the deployment of federal troops to Little Rock. This speech, which can be found in historical archives or as a secondary source in textbooks, provides critical insight into the federal government’s role in enforcing civil rights. By comparing the photograph to the speech, students can discuss the intersection of federal authority, state resistance, and the rights of African American citizens. This pairing helps students understand not only the visual representation of the crisis, but also the political tensions that shaped this historic moment.
  • To deepen students’ understanding of the emotional and psychological toll on the Little Rock Nine, pairing the photograph with Melba Pattillo Beals' memoir, "Warriors Don't Cry," offers a compelling way to explore the personal experiences of the students. The book recounts Melba's first-hand experiences as she faced daily hostility while integrating Central High. Students can compare Beals' descriptions of racial violence, fear, and perseverance with the image of the students entering the school, encouraging them to reflect on the courage of the Little Rock Nine and consider how individual stories fit into broader historical narratives. This pairing fosters empathy and allows students to consider the emotional and personal stakes of school desegregation.
  • An essential aspect of teaching the Little Rock desegregation crisis is analyzing the role of media coverage in shaping public opinion. Pairing the photograph with newspaper articles from the time, such as those from the Arkansas Gazette or The New York Times, offers a rich opportunity for students to explore how the event was reported across different media outlets and how these reports influenced public attitudes toward desegregation. Students can discuss the way in which media coverage helped to bring national attention to racial segregation and, in some cases, galvanize public support for civil rights reforms. This approach highlights the power of media in shaping social movements and political outcomes, providing a broader understanding of how public opinion can influence policy.
Potential for Challenge
  • The study of the Little Rock desegregation crisis and the broader Civil Rights Movement offers immense educational value, but there are also potential challenges that teachers and families might face when engaging with this sensitive and complex material. The events surrounding the Little Rock Nine, including the racial violence, the intense hostility faced by the students, and the personal toll of segregation, can be emotionally difficult for students to process. Additionally, the photographs and other primary sources depicting hatred and violence may provoke strong emotional reactions, especially in younger students. Teachers and families can frame the study of this history in a compassionate and supportive environment. It’s important to create space for reflection and discussion, allowing students to process their emotions and ask questions. Teachers can offer trigger warnings before presenting particularly intense material and ensure that students understand the historical context and the broader impact of these events. Encourage critical thinking about how the emotional weight of these moments serves to highlight the necessity of change and the courage of those involved in these struggles.

Links to resources for approaching those topics

  • National Archives - Little Rock Nine. The National Archives offers primary source documents, including speeches, photographs, and legal documents related to the Little Rock Nine and the federal intervention in 1957. These resources can help students understand the federal government's role in enforcing school desegregation. National Archives. "Little Rock Nine." National Archives, 1957.
  • Library of Congress - Little Rock Central High School. This collection from the Library of Congress includes photographs and documents that chronicle the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School. It provides a visual and textual history of the courage and struggles of the Little Rock Nine. Library of Congress. "Desegregation Landmark: Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, Arkansas." Library of Congress, between 1980 and 2006.
  • PBS - Little Rock: The First Day. PBS offers a documentary titled Little Rock: The First Day, which features interviews with the Little Rock Nine members, teachers, and others who witnessed the desegregation of Central High School. This film is a rich resource for understanding the emotional and political tensions of the time. PBS. "Little Rock: The First Day." PBS, 2000.
Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Little Rock, 1959. Mob marching from capitol to Central High / [JTB]. This photograph shows a young African American boy watching a group of people, some carrying American flags, march past to protest the admission of the "Little Rock Nine" to Central High School.
  2. The Little Rock 9 Meet New York City's Mayor in 1958. A positive photo that depicts the Little Rock Nine being honored and meeting the mayor of New York City in 1958.
Additional References
  1. Little Rock: Race and Resistance at Central High School by Karen Anderson. Karen Anderson's book provides a detailed historical account of the desegregation of Little Rock Central High School, focusing on both the resistance from white communities and the courage of the students involved. This book also looks at the long-term impact of the crisis on race relations in America. Anderson, Karen. Little Rock: Race and Resistance at Central High School. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2018.
  2. Warriors Don't Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock's Central High by Melba Pattillo Beals. In her memoir, Melba Pattillo Beals recounts her experiences as one of the Little Rock Nine, providing a deeply personal narrative of the emotional and physical challenges she faced during the desegregation of Central High School. Beals, Melba Pattillo. Warriors Don't Cry: A Searing Memoir of the Battle to Integrate Little Rock's Central High. New York: Pocket Books, 1994.
  3. "Letter from Birmingham Jail" by Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s famous letter, written in 1963 while imprisoned for protesting segregation in Birmingham, Alabama, outlines the moral foundations of nonviolent resistance and the urgency of direct action in the fight for civil rights. It offers important context for the courage of the Little Rock Nine and their role in the broader struggle for racial justice. King, Martin Luther Jr. "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Why We Can’t Wait, 1963. Reprinted in A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King, Jr., edited by James M. Washington, 289–302. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1986.
  4. Photographs of the Little Rock Nine. Other iconic images, such as the famous photograph of Elizabeth Eckford walking alone to Central High School, surrounded by an angry mob, can be paired with the photograph of the school. These images capture the hostile environment faced by the students and provide a visual history of the courage it took to integrate the school. United States National Archives. "Elizabeth Eckford and the Little Rock Nine." Photograph. National Archives, 1957. Available at:
Journalism/News , Language/Literature , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Informational Text , History
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