Dallas herald. [volume], July 01, 1865, Image 2

Strategy By
Jessica Jones

“Dallas herald. [volume], July 01, 1865, Image 2.” (Dallas, Tex.), 01 July 1865. Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers. Lib. of Congress. https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84022278/1865-07-01/ed-1/seq-2/.

Source Type:
Books and Other Printed Texts
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

Because it provides a clear insight into the early aftermath of the Civil War and the start of Reconstruction, this original source—a newspaper item from July 1, 1865—is an excellent teaching tool. Reflecting the attitudes, prejudices, and concerns that were significant to everyone in society at the time, it gives students a firsthand look at the political, social, and economic environment of the day. By evaluating the publication's language, tone, and viewpoint, students may better comprehend how the media influenced public opinion during a crucial juncture in American history and strengthen their critical thinking abilities. Additionally, the source is a useful tool for introducing students to the specifics of post-war America, such as the conflicts surrounding Reconstruction, the Southern states' reintegration, and the rights of emancipated African Americans. Teachers can assist students in investigating various points of view and historical settings by analyzing the article in combination with other primary materials from the time period. By making abstract historical ideas more concrete and approachable for students, this experiential approach to history education promotes greater engagement and helps them comprehend how primary sources may shed light on the past in distinctive and complex ways.


This source is a newspaper from Dallas, Texas, and it was printed on July 1, 1865. This is a critical source of information regarding the personal, professional, and political notices of the time. This is relevant to helping educators and students learn more about the ways in which the Emancipation Proclamation was impacting society in the months that followed. 

Context for the Primary Source

Deep splits and tensions between President Andrew Johnson and Congress over the rights of liberated African Americans and the reintegration of Southern states characterized the post-Civil War era in the United States. The end of slavery left the South in ruins, and sharecropping and a sluggish economic recovery followed. In contrast, the North's industrial growth and increased political clout throughout the conflict had made it economically stronger. Political leadership was crucial during this period, since radical Republicans opposed Johnson's lax policies. Although the 13th Amendment's abolition of slavery was a significant turning point, its execution and the socio economic shifts it brought about were difficult. Millions of newly freed African American faced additional challenges, such as systemic barriers to economic growth and legal freedoms. The legacy of the Civil War, the abolitionist movement, and continuing discussions on race and rights all influenced the historical climate of the era. Newspapers and other media, which reflected the ideological divisions of the time, were important in influencing public opinion. Teachers can use primary source readings, discussions, role-playing, and visual aids to help students connect with the content and understand the complexity of the time period.

Focus Question(s)
  • What significant historical event took place in the months before the publishing of this piece, and how would it have affected the publication's tone and content?
  • What economic difficulties did the South encounter right after the Civil War, and how may these difficulties be reflected in or ignored by the newspaper's portrayal?
  • Who are this newspaper's expected readers, and how can we determine its regional or political prejudices from the language or substance of the article?
  • Which major topics or themes are highlighted in the article, and how could they relate to comprehending the difficulties of Reconstruction?
Standards Connections

Common Core State Standards

11-12.R.1: Read and comprehend informational texts of varying complexity and evaluate the significance of key events, ideas, and themes.

  • Students get the chance to study and understand historical content from this primary source that captures the aftermath of the Civil War, a significant period in American history. Students can assess the importance of Reconstruction, the difficulties experienced by emancipated African Americans, and the political leadership of the era by closely examining the article's content.

11-12.W.2: Write clear, coherent, and focused analyses of informational texts.

  • Students can write analytical essays or answers after reading the article that analyze how Reconstruction is portrayed, taking into account the text's biases, political tone, and social concerns. This pushes students to incorporate facts about the complex issues of the era and develop persuasive arguments.

11-12.SL.1: Engage effectively in discussions about texts, including synthesizing information and ideas from multiple sources to evaluate the significance of historical events.

  • Students can use this primary source as a basis for class discussions in which they can examine and evaluate the article's topics. Students can have insightful discussions that enhance their comprehension of Reconstruction by contrasting the newspaper's viewpoint with that of other historical publications from the same time period.
Suggested Teaching Approaches

Using this primary source in conjunction with ReadWriteThink’s "Analyzing the Role of the Media" resource, which assists students in critically assessing how the media shapes public opinion, is one efficient teaching strategy. Students can compare various viewpoints on Reconstruction and post-war America by pairing this source with classic texts that tackle the political and social themes of the era, including Abraham Lincoln's “Second Inaugural Address” or W.E.B. Du Bois's The Souls of Black Folk. Teachers can also consider utilizing this piece in small group discussions in the classroom where students examine its substance and then contrast it with other Reconstruction-era speeches or newspaper articles to examine opposing points of view. Additionally, teachers can urge students to submit articles that argue for or against the idea that the public's approval of Reconstruction measures was influenced by the media. Including visual aids such as historical political cartoons or timelines might improve comprehension and engagement even further. This holistic approach promotes the development of literacy and critical thinking.

Potential for Challenge
  • As a newspaper story from 1865, this primary source might provide a number of difficulties for students, especially when it comes to comprehending the political atmosphere and the prejudices present in the media during Reconstruction. The terminology or viewpoints used may represent the profound differences of the era, such as the diametrically opposed views on reunifying the country, the treatment of the South in post-war rebuilding, or the controversial sentiments regarding emancipated African Americans. The historical background may be difficult for students to comprehend, particularly when it comes to the complicated relationships between the more strict Reconstruction policies of the Radical Republicans and the relaxed policies of President Andrew Johnson
Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Frederick Douglass's “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July”? (1852). Frederick Douglass' paper. (Rochester, NY), Jul. 9 1852. https://www.loc.gov/item/sn84026366/1852-07-09/ed-1/.
    • In contrast to the post-Civil War rebuilding era, Douglass's speech offers a compelling abolitionist viewpoint on American independence and freedom.
  2. Frederick Douglass Image. Brady, Mathew B., Approximately, photographer. Fred K. Douglas i.e. Frederick Douglass / Brady, Washington, D.C. , ca. 1880. [Washington, D.C.: Brady]. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2011649219/.
    • This image could help student make sense of who this man was and why his connection to Lincoln and his publishing prowess are both important. 
Additional References
  1. Watch “Reconstruction: The Second Civil War” | American Experience | Official Site | PBSL The American Experience has a wealth of well-documented resources for many American history topics.
  2. Teaching With Documents | National Archives: The National Archives has additional resources for how to teach with primary sources.
  3. Facing History has resources about how to have stronger conversations and how to operate in society with a more civil discourse.
  4. Wade-Davis Bill (1864) | National Archives: In contrast to Andrew Johnson's more forgiving tactics, this measure, which was put forth by Radical Republicans
American Popular Culture , Journalism/News , Language and Literature , Photography and Visual Images , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Government, Law, and Politics , History , News, Journalism, and Advertising , Photographs, Prints, and Posters , Photographs, Prints Posters
Year/Date of Creation or Publication