Uncle Tom's cabin

Strategy By
Jessica Jones

Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's cabin. [Philadelphia, H. Altemus company, 1900] Pdf. https://www.loc.gov/item/00004791/.

Source Type:
Books and Other Printed TextsPhotographs and Prints
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

Uncle Tom's Cabin provides special insights into the moral and psychological costs of slavery, making it an essential primary source for classroom learning. It helps students examine social dynamics and moral issues of nineteenth-century America by giving them historical background for the abolitionist struggle. Its depiction of diverse persons promotes critical thought on topics such as opposition, racism, and respect for humanity. Students can study how storytelling can shape society's views and spark protests by using the novel as an introduction for conversations on literary role in societal change. Students who interact with this work are able to relate historical hardships to current racial and social justice concerns


An important main source for comprehending American culture and the abolitionist struggle in the nineteenth century is Uncle Tom's Cabin. Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, it uses dramatic narrative and expressive characters to illustrate the human misery brought on by slavery. Its emotional and moral arguments played a crucial role in swaying public opinion against slavery. Its historical background, moral and just issues, and its contribution to national discussions on slavery and equality are its key features for educators and learners.

Context for the Primary Source

Harriet Beecher Stowe's iconic anti-slavery book Uncle Tom's Cabin, which was originally published in 1852, had a big impact on how people in the US felt about slavery. Through the experiences of Uncle Tom, a Black man who is sold into bondage, the story centers on the brutal reality of slavery. The book is regarded as one of the most significant pieces of American literature and had a significant impact on anti-slavery mobilization.

Focus Question(s)
  • In what ways does Harriet Beecher Stowe illustrate the human consequences of slavery through the characters of Uncle Tom and Eliza?
  • How does the book criticize the social and moral systems that upheld slavery?
  • How does the novel's use of empathy affect readers' perceptions of social justice?
  • What impact did Uncle Tom's Cabin have on politics and the general public at the time it was published?
Standards Connections

Common Core State Standards, Louisiana State Social Studies Standards

RL.11-12.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

  • For students to examine concepts like morality, tyranny, and resistance, Uncle Tom's Cabin offers a wealth of literary evidence. They can also look at how Harriet Beecher Stowe encourages action and stimulates inquiry via narrative uncertainty.

RL.11-12.3: Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g., where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).

  • Students can analyze how literary devices raise the story's moral and emotional stakes while furthering its abolitionist message through the novel's structure and Stowe's depiction of characters like Uncle Tom and Eliza.

RI.11-12.7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats as well as in words to address a question or solve a problem.

  • In order to evaluate Uncle Tom's Cabin's significance and applicability and develop critical assessment abilities, students might compare it to historical records, abolitionist speeches, or contemporary viewpoints on slavery.

US.10.b: Analyze the social, economic, and political causes of conflicts between individuals and groups in American society, including the role of slavery in precipitating the Civil War.

  • In addition to highlighting the conflicts between abolitionists and pro-slavery groups that fueled the Civil War, the book graphically depicts the human cost of slavery.

US.9.e: Explain the effects of abolition efforts by key individuals including Sojourner Truth, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, and Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • One important legacy of the abolitionist struggle is Uncle Tom's Cabin, which demonstrates how literature can sway public opinion and spur action against social evils like slavery.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Strategies for handling delicate subjects and encouraging inclusive conversations on race and historical injustices are offered in NCTE blog entries. For instance, including topics about social justice and culturally responsive teaching can help teachers create a thoughtful, secure environment for discussing the ideas of this work.
  • Students might be further engaged through interactive exercises like role-playing arguments between pro-slavery and abolitionists or making graphic timelines of the history of slavery in the United States. It is easier to connect the historical background to current conversations about racism and equality when multimedia, such as podcasts or movie adaptations, are used to examine the book's influence. These techniques foster a vibrant learning atmosphere that enhances comprehension of the book and its historical relevance.
Potential for Challenge

In certain educational contexts, Uncle Tom's Cabin may provide difficulties since it addresses delicate and complicated subjects like racism, slavery, and violence. Students may find the novel's description of slavery upsetting since it contains detailed images of emotional and physical violence. Furthermore, despite Stowe's abolitionist intentions, the portrayal of Uncle Tom and other Black characters has come under fire for reinforcing racial stereotypes. Families that believe the material is improper or inaccurately depicts history may become uncomfortable or oppose discussions centered around these subjects. Furthermore, promoting inclusive and civil classroom discussions may be made more difficult by the book's historical background and usage of vocabulary unique to the time, such as racial slurs.

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass
  2. The Life and Letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe
    • Stowe’s life story provides a distinctive viewpoint on the lives of enslaved women, with a special emphasis on surviving persecution.
  3. Fields, Annie. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Cambridge, Printed at the Riverside Press, 1897. Pdf. https://www.loc.gov/item/28013627/.
Additional References
  1. Learning for Justice from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has many resources to help discuss commonalities and how to build bridges within and among communities.
  2. Teaching Hard History: American Slavery | Learning for Justice is another resource from the SPLC with lesson plans divided by grade for age-appropriate resources.
American Popular Culture , Language and Literature , Library and Information Science , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Government, Law, and Politics , Informational Text , Poetry and Literature , Photographs, Prints Posters , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Year/Date of Creation or Publication