Waffle House Restaurant torn apart by Hurricane Katrina on the Biloxi, Mississippi Coast

Strategy By
Dr. Amber Dumbuya

Highsmith, Carol M., photographer. Waffle House Restaurant torn apart by Hurricane Katrina on the Biloxi, Mississippi Coast. Biloxi, Mississippi, 2006. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2010630838/.

Source Type:
Photographs and Prints
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

This photograph is a poignant visual companion to Jesmyn Ward’s Salvage the Bones, allowing students to connect the fictionalized experiences of the Batiste family to the real-life destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina. The image illustrates the hurricane’s physical devastation and serves as a springboard for discussions about resilience, community, and the unequal effects of disasters on marginalized groups. By pairing the photograph with the novel, students can explore themes of survival, family, and the intersection of natural disasters and systemic inequities. This interdisciplinary approach enhances their understanding of the novel’s setting while fostering empathy for those affected by such catastrophic events.


Carol M. Highsmith’s photograph of a destroyed Waffle House on the Mississippi coast vividly captures the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina. The image serves as a powerful visual representation of the hurricane’s impact, particularly in communities like those portrayed in Salvage the Bones. By connecting the photograph to the novel, students can explore the overlapping themes of resilience, systemic inequity, and survival in the face of natural disasters.

Context for the Primary Source

This photograph, taken in 2006, shows the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, highlighting a Waffle House, an iconic American establishment, destroyed on the Biloxi, Mississippi coast. The image represents the physical, economic, and emotional toll of one of the most significant natural disasters in US history. It also connects to broader themes, such as disaster preparedness, emergency response, and the disparities in recovery efforts. Teachers can use this source to explore how Hurricane Katrina impacted communities, fostered systemic discussions on government response, and symbolized resilience through cultural landmarks like the Waffle House.

Focus Question(s)
  • How does the photograph deepen our understanding of the challenges faced by the Batiste family in Salvage the Bones?
  • What parallels exist between the visual devastation in the photograph and the emotional and physical challenges depicted in the novel?
  • How does Jesmyn Ward’s portrayal of Hurricane Katrina reflect the realities seen in the photograph?
  • How can we understand this image in relation to the Waffle House Index?
Standards Connections

Georgia State ELA Standards & Georgia State Social Studies Standards

SSWG5: Analyze human interactions with the world’s environments. Analyze international and varied local governmental responses to natural disasters in countries around the world (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis).

  • Carol M. Highsmith’s photograph of the destroyed Waffle House connects to SSWG5 by illustrating the environmental and societal impact of Hurricane Katrina and enabling analysis of varied governmental responses to natural disasters, both locally and internationally.

ELAGSE11-12RI7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different formats and media.

ELAGSE11-12RL2: Determine themes or central ideas in literature and analyze their development in relation to real-world contexts.

  • It supports ELAGSE11-12RI7 and ELAGSE11-12RL2 by integrating visual and literary sources, Jesmyn Ward’s Salvage the Bones, to examine themes of resilience, systemic inequity, and survival. By comparing the photograph with the novel, students can evaluate the real-world implications of disaster preparedness and response while connecting literary themes to the historical and emotional realities of Hurricane Katrina.
Suggested Teaching Approaches

Begin by analyzing the photograph in detail, asking students to reflect on how it conveys the physical toll of Hurricane Katrina. Pair the image with key passages from Salvage the Bones that describe the hurricane’s approach and aftermath, encouraging students to draw parallels between the visual and literary representations of disaster. Facilitate a discussion about systemic inequalities and resilience, focusing on how the Batiste family’s struggles reflect broader societal challenges. For a creative activity, students could write journal entries from the perspective of a character in the novel, integrating details from both the photograph and the text.

Potential for Challenge

The emotional nature of this photograph and Salvage the Bones may be challenging for some students, particularly those with personal experiences of natural disasters. Teachers should approach these discussions sensitively and emphasize themes of resilience and community. Some students may also need additional guidance to connect visual and literary representations of disaster effectively.

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Highsmith, Carol M, photographer. Only steps left after Hurricane Katrina, Mississippi coast, Mississippi. Mississippi, United States, 2006. March 3. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2010630054/.
    • Only steps left after 2005 Hurricane Katrina, Mississippi coast, Mississippi is another resource teachers could use in place of the Waffle house photo. This shows the first hand devastation of the Hurricane in Biloxi, MS.
  2. Highsmith, Carol M, photographer. Gulf of Mexico fishing piers without their boardwalk in Hancock County, Mississippi, near Waveland. Waveland Hancock County United States Mississippi, 2016. -02-26. Photograph. https://www.loc.gov/item/2017879127/.
    • This image shows a less known side of Hurricane Katrina—the Mississippi coast and islands. It could be used to show the economic effect of a hurricane on fishing communities.
Additional References
  1. PBS. Hurricane Katrina: Timeline and Impact. Accessed December 23, 2024.. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/neworleans-hurricane-katrina/.
  2. Waffle House. How to Measure a Storm’s Fury: One Breakfast at a Time. Accessed December 23, 2024. https://www.wafflehouse.com/how-to-measure-a-storms-fury-one-breakfast-at-a-time/.
  3. National Weather Service. Hurricane Katrina: Timeline and Impacts. Accessed December 23, 2024.. https://www.weather.gov/mob/katrina.
Language and Literature , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
History , News, Journalism, and Advertising
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