Little spinner in Globe Cotton Mill, Augusta, Ga. Overseer said she was regularly employed

Strategy By
Dr. Amber Dumbuya

Hine, Lewis Wickes, photographer. Little spinner in Globe Cotton Mill, Augusta, Ga. Overseer said she was regularly employed. Augusta, Georgia. 1909. Photograph. National Child Labor Committee Collection. The Library of Congress.

Source Type:
Photographs and Prints
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

This photograph is an invaluable resource for teaching about the Progressive Era, industrialization, and the history of labor reform. It allows students to analyze the human cost of economic progress and the social inequities of the time. The image can be used to foster empathy and critical thinking by prompting students to consider the lived experiences of children in the early twentieth century. It also offers opportunities to discuss the power of photojournalism in sparking social change, as Hine’s work was instrumental in pushing for child labor laws. Connecting the photo to texts like The Jungle by Upton Sinclair or modern discussions about workers’ rights can deepen students’ understanding of labor history.


This photograph depicts a young girl working as a spinner in a cotton mill in Augusta, Georgia, highlighting the harsh realities of child labor during the early twentieth century. Taken by Lewis Hine, it was part of a broader campaign to raise awareness about the exploitation of children in industrial settings. The image is a stark reminder of the economic disparities of the era and the efforts of reformers to push for laws to protect vulnerable workers.

Context for the Primary Source

This photograph, taken by Lewis Hine in 1909, documents child labor during the Progressive Era, a time of significant economic and social change in the United States. It captures the reality of young children working in dangerous and demanding conditions in cotton mills, reflecting the economic reliance on cheap labor in the South. Teachers can provide historical context by discussing the rise of industrialization, the economic disparities of the time, and the political movements advocating for labor reform, such as the National Child Labor Committee, which Hine worked for.

Focus Question(s)
  • How does this image reflect the economic and social conditions of the Progressive Era?
  • What role does photojournalism play in driving social and political change?
  • How can we compare historical child labor to modern labor practices?
Standards Connections

Georgia State Standards

ELAGSE11-12RI7: Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats to address a question or solve a problem.

  • Investigating this photograph helps students build their own questioning skills and their critical thinking skills. Adding additional child labor photos to this image helps deepen their understanding of a concept from the past.

SSUSH12: Evaluate the efforts of reform movements, including the impact of the Progressive Movement on social, political, and economic reforms in the United States.

  • Combining ELAR standards with social studies standards helps deepen cross-curricular connections for students and to make more modern connections to current employment practices.
Suggested Teaching Approaches

Begin with an analysis of the photograph, asking students to observe details and infer the subject's experiences. Use guiding questions to discuss the broader social and economic conditions that allowed child labor to persist. Pair this photo with excerpts from The Jungle or primary sources like labor reform legislation. Students can also research Lewis Hine’s role in the labor movement and present findings on how the media has historically influenced public opinion. Encourage creative responses, such as writing a journal entry from the perspective of the child or designing a modern awareness campaign about child labor.

Potential for Challenge

The image may raise concerns about exposing students to harsh realities such as exploitation and poverty. Teachers should approach it with sensitivity, emphasizing the historical context and the progress made since. Discussions of economic inequality may require careful framing to ensure inclusivity.

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Manuel, the young shrimp picker could be an alternate source. This child is located on the Gulf Coast and shows a different aspect of child labor. This is from the same collection as the primary source in this rationale.
  2. John Howell, Indianapolis newsboy could be a second alternative resource. This shows how children made little money and that it was acceptable for boys as well as girls to work in the early 1900s.
Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography , Journalism/News , Photography
History , Informational Text , Photographs, Prints, and Posters , News, Journalism, and Advertising
Year/Date of Creation or Publication