A token for children : being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives, and joyful deaths of several young children

Strategy By
Dr. Amber Dumbuya

Janeway, James and Cotton Mather. A token for children : being an exact account of the conversion, holy and exemplary lives, and joyful deaths of several young children.  1771. Zechariah Fowle, printer. Boston, MA. The Library of Congress. Washington, DC.  https://www.loc.gov/item/30030826/.

Source Type:
Books and Other Printed Texts Juvenile literature
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom
  • A Token for Children is a valuable addition to an American literature curriculum, particularly when paired with The Scarlet Letter and/or The Crucible. This primary source offers a clear window into the moral and spiritual values that defined Puritan society, such as sin, redemption, and the fear of divine judgment—key themes in both literary works. By exploring the conversion stories and moral lessons in A Token for Children, students of today gain an authentic understanding of the rigid belief system that shaped the lives of individuals in this time period.
  • In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne critiques the harshness and hypocrisy of Puritan morality, which echo the ideals found in A Token for Children. Reading both texts together allows students to see how these beliefs influenced the treatment of sin, guilt, and redemption. Similarly, The Crucible brings to life the consequences of extreme religious fervor and societal control, mirroring the Puritan obsession with salvation and eternal judgment.
  • By connecting these texts, students can better understand how Puritan ideology shaped not only historical events but also the characters, themes, and conflicts in American literature. This primary source brings history into focus, grounding abstract ideas in the reality of lived experiences

A Token for Children is a collection of moral stories first penned by James Janeway in the late seventeenth century, aimed at teaching children about piety, repentance, and the importance of salvation. The book recounts the lives, conversions, and often premature deaths of young children, emphasizing their exemplary faith and preparation for the afterlife. As one of the most widely read children’s books of the Puritan age, it reflects the era’s focus on spiritual discipline and the belief that children, like adults, were accountable for their souls. This text is a jumping off point to help students grasp the severity of moral requirements for children during the late seventeenth century in Puritan America. 

Context for the Primary Source
  • To help students understand the time period, economic atmosphere, political leadership, and historical influences of the Puritan age when A Token for Children was first published (1671–1672), teachers can provide key context about the era. The Puritans prioritized religious devotion, moral discipline, and the fear of God, shaping both adult and childhood experiences. Education and literacy were highly valued, as reading the Bible was central to Puritan life. Children were expected to embody strict moral principles, and the themes of religious conversion, exemplary lives, and joyful deaths. The text reflects these expectations.
  • Economically, the Puritans lived modestly, emphasizing self-sufficiency and practicality. Books were one of the few forms of acceptable leisure and instruction, making A Token for Children a significant text of the time. The costs and rarity of printed works further highlight their importance as widely read and impactful pieces. Religious themes and moral lessons made this text a cornerstone in shaping young minds in the community.
  • Politically, Puritan society intertwined religion and governance, with leaders often enforcing theocratic principles. In colonial New England, texts like A Token for Children reinforced communal values and helped instill a shared moral code. These works supported the societal structure, blending faith and daily life in ways that deeply influenced both individual and collective identities.
Focus Question(s)
  • How does A Token for Children reflect the Puritan worldview about childhood, morality, and salvation?
  • How might these ideas influence the way we view the role of children in society today?
  • How would this text be received today?
  • Would children you know read this text today? Why or why not?
Standards Connections

Georgia State Standards

ELAGSE11-12RL1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

  • Students can analyze passages from A Token for Children to infer Puritan beliefs about childhood, morality, and salvation, using specific examples to support their analysis.

ELAGSE11-12RL2: Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account.

  • Students can explore how themes of repentance, death, and salvation interact throughout the text and how these ideas reflect Puritan societal values.

ELAGSE11-12RI2: Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.

  • Students can identify and analyze the central ideas in A Token for Children, such as morality, repentance, and salvation, and explore how these themes develop throughout the stories to reinforce Puritan values. They can also create an objective summary of the text, focusing on its purpose as a didactic tool for religious instruction.

ELAGSE11-12L3: Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.

  • Students can analyze the formal and didactic language of A Token for Children and discuss how its style serves the text’s moral and religious purposes.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • To teach A Token for Children effectively, start by providing students with historical context about Puritanism, focusing on their beliefs about morality, salvation, and childhood. Pair this with a brief overview of the social and religious climate of the seventeenth century to frame the text’s purpose. Use excerpts from the text to analyze the Puritan worldview, encouraging students to identify themes like repentance, divine judgment, and piety. Discuss how the text uses storytelling to instill these values in children and examine how its tone, structure, and language serve its didactic purpose.
  • Engage students in collaborative activities that connect A Token for Children with The Scarlet Letter and The Crucible. For example, students can compare the moral expectations and societal pressures depicted in each text, discussing how these reflect the values and tensions of Puritan society. Use Socratic seminars or small-group discussions to explore how the focus on children’s morality relates to broader cultural ideas about sin and redemption.
Potential for Challenge
  • The content of A Token for Children could lead to challenges due to its heavy focus on religious themes, particularly those tied to Puritan beliefs about morality, salvation, and the afterlife. The stories describe young children’s deaths in vivid detail, emphasizing repentance and fear of divine judgment. These themes may be uncomfortable for some students and their families, particularly those from different religious or secular backgrounds, as they present a singular worldview that can feel exclusionary or emotionally distressing. Additionally, the text’s language and tone may come across as harsh or judgmental, as it portrays children who fail to exhibit piety as spiritually lost.
  • Another challenge could arise from the historical depiction of childhood and its alignment with Puritan ideals, which can be seen as oppressive by modern standards. This might raise concerns about promoting outdated or narrow perspectives on childhood and morality.
  • Teachers should be prepared to address these concerns with sensitivity, framing the text as a historical document that reflects a specific time and cultural belief system rather than an endorsement of its views.

Links to resources for approaching those topics

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  • The New England Primer (1690): As the first reading primer designed for the American colonies, this text offers a foundational look at early American education and Puritan values. https://www.loc.gov/item/38011281/
Children’s Literature , Language and Literature
Government, Law, and Politics , History , Poetry and Literature
Year/Date of Creation or Publication