Duck and cover

Strategy By
Rachel DeTemple

Middleton, Robert, Narrator, Lars Calonius, Dave Lambert, Contributor United States Office of Civil Defense, Contributor National Education Association of the United States, and Inc Castle Films. Duck and cover. composed by Langlois, Leo, Film Producer, Actor, and Carr, Leon, produced by Archer Productionsuction Company United States: Castle Films, 1952. Video.

Source Type:
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

Media and messaging have changed a great deal in the last 70+ years. This video offers a window into the past and is an opportunity to examine the ways in which public messaging has both changed and remained the same. When a message needs to be conveyed to the whole population, and the message does not have a commercial purpose, what are the best methods of getting that message across? When children are part of the target audience for that message, how does the message need to change in order to include them? This video offers a lesson in media, audience, composition, and marketing. We can also see the importance of using simple slogans and repetition in order to get a message across effectively and memorably. These techniques are still ones we can use today to get our own messages across, be they commercial ones or messages to bring about social change. 


Through animation, the source focuses on the steps to be taken for maximum safety in the street or in school in the event of an enemy attack by atomic or other weapons.

Context for the Primary Source

In the 1950s, the threat of a nuclear attack was something Americans thought about daily. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had happened recently, and it was clear that bombings like this could happen again, especially since the USSR also had nuclear capability. Schools had drills for nuclear attacks, and this film was shown widely in public schools to educate students and the general American public about what to do in the event of an attack in order to minimize casualties. 

Focus Question(s)
  • Who is the audience for this film? How can you tell?
  • What makes the video appealing?
  • What makes the message memorable?
  • What are the ways in which the filmmakers ensured that people watching this film would come away knowing and remembering what to do in the event of a nuclear attack?
  • What other film or marketing techniques were used?
  • What is your reaction to this video? Why?
Standards Connections

Alaska ELA standards Grades 9–12

Reading Standards for Informational Text. 5: Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter).

  • Text includes films, and by practicing these skills with this video, we can transfer them to other media as well.

Craft and Structure. 5: Analyze in detail how an author’s ideas or claims are developed and refined by particular sentences, paragraphs, or larger portions of a text (e.g., a section or chapter).

  • By analyzing how the filmmakers crafted this film and packaged this message, students can learn to make their own messages more effective.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • After giving students an overview of the political climate of the 1950s in terms of the possibility of nuclear war, have students watch the film with the focus questions in mind. Have them jot down their answers as they watch, if that’s helpful. Then have students discuss their answers to the questions. Did they laugh at any point? If so, why? Were they surprised by any part of the film? Why? If this message were to be conveyed to students now, what would be different about the delivery? How does this film compare to the ALICE training videos of today? What other PSAs do they get, and how effective are they? (Anti-vaping, anti-drug, wearing seatbelts, etc.)
  • Have students brainstorm about messages they think all Americans should get. What PSAs do we need in the modern world? Have students choose a message as the basis of a PSA project. What is the message, and what is the best method of getting it across to young people? What medium works best? Then have them design that PSA in the medium they have chosen and present it to the class. Then, write a reflection about their process, including what they learned from watching Duck and Cover.
Potential for Challenge

Contemplating the possibility of nuclear attack is stressful and could be triggering, especially because this video offers a promise of safety that is not possible. Becoming educated about the current state of nuclear disarmament and the possible next steps can empower those who feel helpless and terrified. The UN’s website is a good place to get started in learning about this.

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. The “Duck and Cover” techniques would surely not have saved anyone. This image of Nagasaki, Japan, shows the true danger of atomic weapons, and parents may want a more realistic view of atomic power for their children.
  2. This front page of The Nome Nugget warns of another threat: nuclear weapons.
Additional References


  1. For those looking to have students create their own PSAs, this website offers tips and strategies for creating those effectively:
  2. For more background and analysis of this film, this is short essay about it written by Jake Hughes, the creator and administrator of Atomic Theater (, a website devoted to researching and archiving civil defense films produced during the Cold War era:
American Popular Culture , Film/Motion Picture , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
Government, Law, and Politics , History , Nonfiction/Informational Text
Year/Date of Creation or Publication