After the screaming I ran to the roof with my camera and started shooting. I felt nothing. It was like watching a movie / Marc Yankus.

Strategy By
Erin Deerman

Yankus , Marcus. After the screaming I ran to the roof with my camera and started shooting. I felt nothing. It was like watching a movie. 2001. Photograph. Library of Congress.

Source Type:
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 9, Grade 10
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

This photograph provides context about the events of September 11, 2001. The photograph allows students to see the tragedy as it unfolded and gives them a unique perspective into the events of this tragic day. The students get a vivid view of what Americans lived through on this day and the sights that played out on the New York skyline. The photograph shows the initial moment of impact when the second plane crashed into the second tower, and the photographer’s ability to capture this pivotal moment allows students to see the scale of the damage. The text that is overlaid on the photo captures the photographer’s specific thoughts in the moment and offers a first-hand perspective to history as it unfolded.


Photograph shows burning World Trade Center buildings with church dome in foreground following September 11th terrorist attack in New York City.

Context for the Primary Source

This photo was taken on the morning of September 11, 2001, as a second airplane hit the World Trade Center.

Focus Question(s)
  • How does this photograph give insight into the events of September 11, 2001?
  • What inferences can be made about the feelings of Americans on September 11, 2001?
  • How do the choices of an artist (photographer/author) impact the effectiveness of a text?
Standards Connections

Alabama State Standards

ELA21.9.12: Interpret digital texts to determine their subject, occasion, audience, purpose, tone, and credibility. 

  • Students view a digital photograph taken at a pivotal point in American history and analyze the mood, tone, and subject of the photograph. 

ELA21.9.18: Analyze a speaker’s rhetorical, aesthetic, and organizational choices in order to determine point of view and purpose.

  • Suggested questions lead students to analyze juxtaposition present in the photo. Students also analyze the words present on the image and analyze the author’s diction and use of simile. 

ELA21.9.2:Analyze information from graphic texts to draw conclusions, defend claims, and make decisions.

  • Students view a graphic text, analyze the author’s point of view, and make inferences based on the information presented in the image. 

ELA21.9.4 Analyze how authors use characterization, connotation, denotation, figurative language, literary elements, and point of view to create and convey meaning in a variety of texts.

  • Suggested questions lead students to analyze the author’s choice of text, including the use of figurative language, and determine how the author creates meaning. 
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Pose the following questions to students:

    1. What stands out most prominently in the photograph? Why do you think your eye is drawn to this aspect of the photo?
    2. The photo shows a church in the foreground and the burning towers in the background. Is this meaningful juxtaposition? Why or why not?
    3. View the text overlaid on the photo. Identify the simile. Why do you think the author describes his feelings in this way?
    4. Make an inference. Why might the photographer have said that he “felt nothing” when faced with this moment of tragedy? Can you relate to this feeling?
    5. Do you think the written text adds to or distracts from the photograph? How does the text help or hinder the author’s purpose?
  • Suggestions for questioning:
    • Gallery walk: Post the questions on large pieces of paper around the room. Strategically group students and have them walk to each station to answer the questions as a group and make notes of their answers on the paper for other groups to view and respond to as they progress through the activity.
    • Think, Pair, Share: Have students answer the questions individually. Then, students share their answers with a partner. Finally, they share their answers with the class.
    • Jigsaw: Strategically group students. Have each group discuss one question. This group becomes the “expert” on this question. Then, each group shares their analysis with the class.
Potential for Challenge
  • Some may feel that the photograph is too graphic or disturbing for students. Additionally, some parents may not be comfortable with students discussing their feelings about tragedy in general. Some may challenge the need to expose students to the tragedy of the past or feel that the activity focuses too much on the tragedy itself and not the historical implication of September 11.

Links to resources for approaching those topics:

Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. [Two fire fighters embrace upon being reunited, after each feared the other was lost, following September 11th terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York City] / William C. Lopez.
    • This photograph is more hopeful and less graphic. It shows a moment of happiness on this tragic day while still addressing the standards of the lesson. It is contained in a larger group of photos found here.
  2. [Candlelight vigil at the Squad Co. 1 firehouse, following the September 11th terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, New York City] / William C. Lopez.
    • This photograph does not show the actual attack or the aftermath of the attack while still addressing the standards of the lesson. It is contained in a larger group of photos found here.
Additional References
  1. Read Write Think Lesson: “Responding to Tragedy: Then and Now”: Students read and discuss the personal responses of four different poets, focusing on the relationships between language and meaning. They then compose a poem of their own that includes a section addressing their initial responses to the tragedy and their response to it in the present. Finally, they reflect on what they have learned.
  2. Read Write Think Lesson: Patriot Day Activities
  3. Alan Gratz book Ground Zero would be an excellent companion text for this primary source.
Journalism/News , Photography , Social Studies/Social Sciences/History/Geography
History , News/ Journalism , Nonfiction/Informational Text , Photographs, Prints, and Posters
Year/Date of Creation or Publication