Frederick Douglass' paper (Rochester, N.Y.), July 9, 1852

Strategy By
Zachary Arthur

Frederick Douglass' paper. Rochester, N.Y. : F. Douglass v. Newspaper.

Source Type:
Suggested Grade Level and Audience: Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12
Instructional value of primary source for the curriculum and/or classroom

Frederick Douglass’s speech, much like his memoir, captures the feelings of a former slave toward the American government and his fellow countrymen. He questions the hypocrisy that would be required to celebrate the birth of a nation that treats him, his family, and his people as property. His argument is persuasive, rife with strong rhetorical choices, and helps students understand the perspective of an abolitionist in a deeper and more nuanced manner.


The transcript of Douglass’s speech appears on the second page of this source, six paragraphs after the title “The Celebration at Corinthian Hall.” At the conclusion of the transcript, the paper also notes that Douglass received a “universal burst of applause” and fielded requests that “the address be published in pamphlet form, and seven hundred copies of it were subscribed for on the spot,” indicating that the speech was well received. The newspaper also contains other notices and articles, including notes about the Oswego County Anti Slavery Convention and letters to the editor.

Context for the Primary Source

By July 1852, Frederick Douglass, a former slave, had escaped to the North and risen to prominence as an abolitionist. He published a memoir titled Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave in 1845 and eventually began publishing his own newspaper out of Rochester, NY. In this issue, published on July 9, 1852, Douglass includes the text of his now famous “What, to the American Slave, Is Your 4th of July” speech.

Focus Question(s)
  • What is Douglass’ opinion on the Fourth of July as a holiday?
  • What rhetorical techniques does Douglass use to make his point?
  • Who is Douglass’ audience and how does he hope to affect them with this argument?
Standards Connections

New York State Next Gen ELA Standards

11-12R2: Determine two or more themes or central ideas in a text and analyze their development, including how they emerge and are shaped and refined by specific details; objectively and accurately summarize a complex text. (RI&RL)

  •  Students can work to identify Douglass’s thesis in this argument through close reading and     analysis of the text.

11-12R5: In literary texts, analyze how varied aspects of structure create meaning and affect the reader. (RL) In informational texts, analyze the impact and evaluate the effect structure has on exposition or argument in terms of clarity, persuasive/rhetorical technique, and audience appeal. (RI)

  • Students can study Douglass’s structural choices throughout his speech and analyze their effectiveness. For instance, students can track and consider where he acknowledges counterclaims and when he shifts his focus from past transgressions toward ideas about the future of the country.
Suggested Teaching Approaches
  • Have students create a visual Tree of Reason as described by Jill Pavich. In this activity, students consider the primary components of argument (context, claims, subclaims, evidence, and conclusions and solutions) in a manner that demonstrates their understanding of the text and the author’s line of reasoning.
  • Students can use a printed version of the text to create a blackout or a found poem. Students should aim to leverage Douglass’s powerful word choice to create a more condensed and poetic version of his argument.
  • Students who have read both the speech and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass can participate in a Socratic Seminar comparing the argument, techniques, and ideas of each text.
Potential for Challenge
  • This text could be challenged because of Douglass’s criticisms of America, the United States’ government, and organized religion. It also grapples with and describes the suffering of enslaved people, which might make some readers uncomfortable. In schools where Critical Race Theory is banned or discouraged, teachers should take care to treat the text as a reflection of the times.
Alternative or Complementary Primary Sources
  1. Excerpts from Douglass’s memoir, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave 
    • Douglass’ memoir also presents a strong anti-slavery argument via a narrative format.
  2. “What, to the American Slave, Is Your 4th of July?”
    • This blog post on includes additional sources that provide context for the speech and further readings.
Additional References
  1. A Community Reading of “What, to the American Slave, Is Your Fourth of July?” with an introduction by David Blight (Video)
  2. This video is a collage of different people reading lines from the speech, resulting in a powerful delivery that emphasizes the fact that Douglass is representing many voices.
  3. Slavery in America: The Constitution to Reconstruction with Clint Smith (Video)
    In this interview, Clint Smith discusses some of the work involved in writing How the Word is Passed: A Reckoning With The History of Slavery Across America.
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Year/Date of Creation or Publication