I. Overviews of the Depression and Dust Bowl
Related Resources
- What key facts are included in the overviews?
- What do the overviews tell you about life during the time period?
II. Images from the Depression and Dust Bowl
Related Resources
- What details do you notice in the images from the Depression and Dust Bowl?
- What can you tell about the people, places, and situations in the photos?
- Choose one photo, and describe what you see in the image. What does this
particular image communicate about the Depression and/or the Dust Bowl? Be
sure to say which site you found the image on.
III. First-hand Descriptions of the Depression and Dust Bowl
Related Resources
- What words and phrases stand out in the eyewitness descriptions that you
read? Why do they stand out?
- What can you tell about the people from the memories that they share?
- Thinking of all the descriptions that you read, what overall comments can
you make about the Depression and/or Dust Bowl? What seems to connect all the
IV. Lyrics from the Great Depression and Dust Bowl
Related Resources
- What images and details do you notice in the lyrics that you read? Why do
they stand out?
- What do the lyrics tell you about the people who wrote and sang them?
- What experiences and feelings do the songs express for these people?

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