"Engaged teaching is an ever-evolving collaborative process, and it has been fun to write about the successful lessons I've taught in my classroom for ReadWriteThink. <BR><BR>I hope that these lessons will inspire other teachers to try these ideas, freely adapt them, and share what they discover with the larger teaching and learning community."
Suzanne Linder teaches English and Social Advocacy at the University of Illinois Laboratory High School. She has been teaching since 1997 and has a bachelor's degree in English and theater education and a master's degree in speech communication with a focus on adolescents and the media. In 2004 she was selected as a Fulbright-Hays Scholar to New Zealand.
A member of NCTE, Suzanne is especially interested in social justice education and 21st century literacies. In her free time, she is a volunteer with the Urbana-Champaign Books to Prisoners Project.