
Rebecca L. Olness

Rebecca L. Olness
Black Diamond, WA
United States

"Writing for has been an eye-opening experience for me. While researching websites, I have become aware of the wonderful online resources available to teachers."

Rebecca L. Olness, an educator for more than 30 years, has taught reading and writing to students from kindergarten through sixth grade. In both remedial and enrichment settings, as well as the regular classroom, Rebecca has strived to expose children to quality literature while giving them the necessary skills to be competent readers and writers.

Rebecca has presented at conferences throughout the United States and Canada, as well as in New Zealand and the Caribbean. Her primary interests and areas of expertise include six-trait writing, literature, at-risk readers, and balanced literacy.

A member of the International Reading Association (IRA) for more than 20 years, Rebecca served on the Board of Directors from 2000 to 2003. She is the author of Using Literature to Enhance Writing Instruction: A Guide for K–5 Teachers(link is external) (IRA, 2005).