
Deborah Kozdras

Deborah Kozdras
Tampa, FL
United States

ReadWriteThink is the best resource for literacy lessons on the web. The student interactives are excellent tools to use with students as digital responses in any subject area. Why fill in a worksheet when you can design a response?

Deborah Kozdras joined the Stavros Center in 2010 as an Instructor and Chief Creative Officer. From 2005-2010 she completed her Ph.D. at the University of South Florida, after teaching elementary school for 11 years in Canada. She has presented at a variety of national and international conferences and has published a variety of articles, book chapters, and lesson plans. Her research interests include digital literacy, filmmaking, academic vocabulary, and using virtual worlds/games to teach financial literacy. She has created a workshop and associated website, Yumonomics ( Yumonomics uses children’s literature and digital responses—including ReadWriteThink Interactives—to teach economics concepts and vocabulary.