Informational Sheet

Podcasts: The Nuts and Bolts of Creating Podcasts

3 - 12
Printout Type
Informational Sheet

About this printout

Use this helpful tool to integrate podcasts into your classroom or to help your students create their own podcasts with audio and images.

Teaching with this printout

Podcasts can be used across grade levels and content areas. This tool provides the nuts and bolts of creating a podcast, including links to video tutorials with thorough instructions and free software. Peruse the Extras section to access resources with free audio and images to use with your podcasts.

More ideas to try

  • Have students create class podcasts of favorite books through the use of “book chats.” Younger students can complete these as a class or in small groups. Older students can create small-group or independent podcasts. Topics can vary. For example, students can discuss their favorite characters and how they changed throughout the story, or they can discuss elements such as plot, theme, and setting. Students can also create thumbs-up/thumbs-down book reviews by providing a thumbs-up or thumbs-down rating and stating reasons for their choice.

    Visit the podcast page for great examples of “book chats.” In particular, listen to Chatting About Books: Recommendations for Young Readers and Text Messages: 
Recommendations for Adolescent Readers.
  • Have your middle and high school students create their own podcasts about persuasive messages they find in their favorite books, television shows, video games, and movies. Have students identify the persuasive message and describe what makes it persuasive (answers might include convincing ideas, well thought-out arguments, or strong opinions). You might also ask them to identify any propaganda techniques in use (such as assertions, bandwagon, card stacking, glittering generalities, lesser of two evils, name calling, pinpointing the enemy, plain folks, testimonials, and transfer). Have students critique these messages in their podcasts.
  • Set up a class podOmatic(link is external) site and have your students create podcasts about current events or classroom happenings so they can share with family and friends.
  • Use podcast assignments across the curriculum. Podcasts can connect to:


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